12) Haemophilia

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): Jump by The Pointer Sisters, Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and The Waves, Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? by Moby, Porcelain by Moby, When I Look At You by Miley Cyrus.



"You know what the best thing about having your own jet is?" Weiss smirked with ruffled hair across the breakfast table, pouring Sophia and himself another glass, looking across the table at Sydney, inhaling the aroma of her coffee bringing her to her senses that following morning with a smile, "You can sleep in late and don't have to worry about missing your flight." They laughed.

The happy newlywed couple, as well as those Americans having to return to work tomorrow, were supposed to depart earlier in the morning but everyone was too tired to get up so they all slept in having decided on that just before bed the night before.

"I can't wait to find out where we're going or what we're doing." Sydney smiled at Vaughn and then her mother. "You haven't given us any hints!"

Irina and Jack were giving them their honeymoon as part of their gift to the happy newlyweds. Irina just smirked at her with a shrug taking a bite of toast as she sat next to Weiss and Jack at the head of the table; Lena in her high chair beside her.

Everyone but Julian and Sergei were awake and eating a brunch type breakfast before the happily married couple left on their honeymoon.

"Well, what did she tell you to pack?" Weiss looked back and forth between the two women with a smile, "That should give you some idea as to warm or cold or in between."

"That's just it! She's so insane over keeping it an absolute secret that she bought us new clothes and said they would be waiting for us when we arrived!" Sydney laughed as did everyone else and Irina only shrugged with a smile again, giving nothing away.

"Well are you at least going to tell us?" Weiss asked excitedly looking at Irina. "Come on?" He nodded at her exaggeratedly and smiled. "You can tell me. I won't tell." He leaned over as if suggesting she should whisper in his ear making everyone laugh.

"Not a chance!" Irina laughed, folding her hands in front of her and resting her chin on them, "So, Mr. Weiss, have you decided on a name for the foal?" She asked curiously with a smile, remembering her promise two nights before to let him choose whatever name he wanted.

"I certainly have!" Weiss's smile was radiant and he waggled his eyebrows at her, already laughing. "The name of the foal shall be… Legs!" His smile lit his eyes as everyone died of laughter and Irina covered her eyes shaking her head, finally laughing with them. "You promised! Remember, you can't back out now!" He pointed at her, not about to let her back out of it.

Instead of answering, she reached over and took his hand making him sit up straight and stare at her with wide-eyes when she put his hand on her belly, having just felt the babies' kicks and smiled.

"I don't feel—Whoa!" Weiss was about to say he didn't 'feel anything' when he suddenly felt the kicks against his palm and smiled widely. "I felt it! I felt it!" He looked around excitedly at the wide-eyed faces watching the scene.

"They're kicking?" Katya asked breathlessly with tears in her eyes, this the first any of them save Vaughn and Sydney, who had told him of it last night, knew of it.

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