15) Bitter Memories

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Music for this chapter (on repeat): Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas by Sarah McLachlan, Papa Can You Hear Me by Charlotte Church, Hemmorhage by Fuel , Silence (original mix from Karma)- by Delerium featuring Sarah McLachlan from Brokedown Palace Soundtrack , In Dreams by Michael Giacchino form the ALIAS Soundtrack, Kissing You (instrumental) by Desiree from Romeo & Juliet Soundtrack, Tania by Hans Zimmer from Enemy At The Gates Soundtrack, Dragula by Rob ZombieOchi Chernye by Red Army Choir, The Matrix Theme (Clubbed to Death) by Rob Dougan from The Matrix Soundtrack, Inferno by Michael Giacchino from the ALIAS Soundtrack.



The film picked up immediately with Irina and Julian's arrival in Thailand.

Thailand - December 20th, 1987

Irina raised her hand to knock on the giant wooden door of the monastery nestled into the mountains of Thailand; Julian was standing just beside her with wide eyes of wonder at the large structure.

The door suddenly opened, seemingly of its own accord, as no one was present on the other side. Cautiously, Irina took a step inside, using her arm to push Julian behind her. The entire area before them was dark except for a few places that were illuminated by the permeating sunlight creating a vast expanse of lightness and shadows. The air smelled of burning incense and muggy heat and the silence was almost deafening.

One step and then another echoed off the stonewalls and Irina's eyes canvassed the space.

"Hello…" She called out in Thai softly, flicking her wrist and sliding the stiletto up her sleeve into access, on the ready for any potential danger lurking in the shadows.

When her call went unanswered she moved through the shadows with Julian on her heels towards the large curtain before them. A flash of orange caught her eye in the crack between the curtain and wall and just as she titled her head to peer through, the velvety barrier before them began to rise rapidly.

The bare feet of a monk in orange robes were revealed first and Irina took a step back, pushing Julian up against a giant wooden pillar as they both watched the massive room before them being exposed, the light cascading through the enormous windows making up the walls in front of them blinding them momentarily and causing both to squint.

"Hello, Irina. I've been waiting for you." A deep voice rumbled from behind a large chair in the center of the room.

Irina's heart raced in her chest upon hearing the voice and her name and the fact he said he was expecting her when no one was supposed to know of her arrival. Her eyes flashed to the monk who'd just finished tying off the curtain rope; he moved his hands into a position of prayer and bowed to her slightly with a small smile before turning to leave.

The owner of the voice stood from behind the chair and turned to face his guests. His hair was dark with streaks of gray, skin was tanned and beginning to wrinkle and his orange robe was a bit darker then the monk seen previously, obviously stating his stature amongst the ranks. His eyes lit with wonder and a smile slowly spread across his face as he made his way towards them.

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