61) The World Has Turned And Left Me Here

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AN: Tissue Warning!

Music for this chapter (on repeat): Woman's Work by Kate Bush, A Small Measure of Peace by Hans Zimmer, The First Kiss by George Fenton, That Next Place by Thomas Newman, Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven, North Country by Gustavo Santalolla, Deliver Me by Sarah Brightman, O Holy Night by Josh Groban, Silent Night by Jackie Evancho.



"Jack," Irina's eyes refused to open feeling so heavy and her body like it was being stabbed with a thousand knives.

"Irina," Jack was at her side instantly, turning quickly from where he was looking over Lena's body hooked to various machines in the bed beside Irina's, both of them sharing the same ICU Pod. "I'm here, My Love."

"Lena..." Irina started crying again feeling numb and yet a rush of warm flowing through her at the same time fighting off Hypothermia.

"She's alive, Irina! They got a heartbeat." He cried bending over and peppering her freezing face with kisses in relief and realizing she still believed their daughter to be dead.

"Alive?" Irina gasped with painful tears in her eyes trying to open them and look at him in relief, see the truth in his eyes.

"Alive, My Love." Jack cried softly, kissing her still cold lips, even hours later. "I nearly lost you…again." He added quietly looking into her piercing black eyes that were too heavy for her to keep open as she fought sleep with her bodies struggle to recover. With new unshed tears, and so thankful she'd come back to him, Jack kissed her forehead gently speaking in a near whisper as she fell back to sleep, "I love you, Irina…don't ever leave me again. Or my heart will stop." He held back a sob and closed his own eyes, resting his forehead next to hers and crying softly into her hair, still wet from jumping into the river.

It was several hours later that Marcelo followed by Alexei came into Lena and Irina's ICU Room with heavy hearts and sparkling eyes of hard fought tears coming to speak to Jack, Sydney and Irina who was now awake.

"What is it?" Irina asked swallowing hard from her own bed, face already stained with tears after just speaking with Jack and Sydney about Antony's death and all that had happened, as they faced the two doctors.

"We've gotten her blood tests back," Marcelo spoke softly looking at Lena with tears in his eyes, "Irina, she's pregnant."

"What?" Jack asked in a disbelieving whisper staring down at his still unconscious daughter with pounding heart.

"My god…" Irina gasped with tears flooding her eyes and Sydney's.

"You didn't know about this?" Jack asked in shock wondering if Irina knew as Lena told her everything.

"No, she didn't tell me anything and I know she would have if she knew, Jack." Irina shook her head with rampant tears staring across the space to Lena. "She would have told me."

"She probably doesn't know. Like you and you," Alexei nodded towards both Sydney and Irina, "Who weren't aware you were pregnant until your second trimesters, as well. She's twenty-two weeks along already...just started her six month…and obviously carries very internally as did you. Not surprising for her physical condition and this being her first."

"The Olympics…" Irina gasped with shaking hand to her face at the enormity of this all that her daughter had to conceive just before or during those games and her mind sadly flashed to the moment she'd witnessed between Antony and Lena of smiles and laughter making love after she won her last Gold Medal in the marathon and wondered if this baby was the result. "Oh God…and she fought those boys in Havana." She gasped with hand coming to her mouth worried realizing Lena was pregnant during that tragedy as well.

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