9) You're My Son

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): The Beach Song by Hans Zimmer fromTrue Romance Soundtrack, Wild Child by Enya, Wild Horses by The Sundays, Nothing Else Matters by Scala and the Kolacny Brothers.



"Sydney, please. Stop shouting." Irina placed her hand on her daughter's forearm smiling and a bit amused by the look on her Sydney's face. "Yes, I am." She whispered with a nod, watching Sydney's eyes grow wider and her pupils practically consume her eyes in shock. "But we're not ready to announce it to the world yet, so please, stop shouting across the store." Her smiled turned to a little laugh, when she kissed her daughter's face. "I love you, Sydney Anne. You make me laugh everyday, thank you." She kept laughing softly and kissed Lena before walking back down the aisle and grabbing things off the shelves like nothing happened. When she turned and Sydney was still frozen in place she called out in her singsong motherly voice, "Syd-ney!" And finally got her attention.

Sydney had to shake her head, feeling as though she just stepped through the Looking Glass before she could put one foot in front of the other. A slow smile started spreading across her lips thinking about the new information and the insanity that was her family. Before long she was laughing hysterically to no one but herself and started clapping, forcing Katya and Irina to stop and stare at her along with other shoppers, all with wide-eyes, unsure if she was having a mental breakdown until Sydney looked right at her mother, big smile.

"You two. I swear. Oh, that's good." She started laughing again and threw her head back but pushed on and the shoppers eventually went back to what they were doing. "Oh Lena," She looked down at her baby sister smiling and chewing on her toy, "Our parents are unbelievable and God, do I love them for it!"

Irina heard the statement as she picked through a batch of cucumbers and smiled to herself, humming along with the song, 'Your dreams can come true.'

"Ok, ok, ok…let me get the facts straight." Sydney asked from the back seat of the SUV her mother was driving on the way home, sitting next to her sister in her carseat and leaning forward into the seat gap to fire questions at her mother and aunt who was riding passenger. "We're out of the store and no one can hear us… but us." She smiled, still riding the euphoric cloud nine of happy shock. "So, you're pregnant?"

"Yes." Irina said softly, shaking her head with a smile. Her daughter was so much like she and Jack. Repeating the statement over and over until they believed it.

"How long have you known?" Sydney smiled and fired away in interrogator mode much to the amusement of Katya.

"Since the morning of the hang-over party in Las Vegas." Irina smiled knowing what the reaction would be.

"Dad's birthday?" Sydney clarified the facts.


"Buwhahahaha!" Sydney fell back against the seat, laughing at the irony, knowing she was actually conceived on that date. "When did you tell Dad? Does he know?" She sprang forward in her seat again with wide-eyes and Irina and Katya both laughed.

"Yes, your father knows. I told him later that evening." Irina smiled, fingering her hair behind her ear as she checked the mirrors and switched lanes, getting ready to exit the freeway.

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