22) Jack's Nightmare

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Music For This Chapter: No Promises By Shayne Ward. ( Repeat till End)


"Oh my God, Syd." Vaughn gasped and grasped Sydney's elbow, stopping their chatter with the group of everyone in their party around them and nodding in the direction of her parents with wide eyes of disbelief.

"What?" She asked with question until her eyes landed on the man walking towards her unsuspecting parents. "Oh God... Dubey." She gasped in a breath barely above a whisper.

"Ho-ly shit." Weiss and Kendall both gasped at the same time, laying eyes on the man; Kendall for the first time in real-life.

"My God, he is gorgeous." Sophia gasped with hand going to her mouth, which hung slightly open.

All of their minds rapidly flashing back to the incredibly hot and intense moments from the film between Irina and Dubey, seeing the real man walking towards the real woman.

Just as Sydney was thinking of ways to warn her mother, Irina's gaze caught his over Lena's shoulder and she stopped mid-sentence and gasped.

"Oh lovely," Jack gasped sarcastically along side her, feeling his guts roll within and heart beat rapidly as Dubey locked eyes with Irina and smiled at her.



The baby began to bob on Jack's arm with wide-eyes of excitement and smiles, her little hand palming his cheek and looking at her Daddy with curious eyes.

The woman on Dubey's arm seemed as equally nervous and uncomfortable about the meeting as the rest of them did. She stood shyly to the side when Dubey stopped three feet in front of Irina.

He took her hand in his, kissed her knuckles with a slight bow and a smile.

"Your Majesty," Dubey's eyes locked onto Irina's once more and smiled, not relinquishing her hand which Jack took note of right away.

"Vijay," Irina greeted him softly, completely stunned and in shock over seeing him. "What are you doing here?" She asked rapidly with knit eyebrows, slowly pulling her hand from his and placing it over her belly instead.

"It was the big premiere... and I am in a significant portion of the film you know?" Dubey smiled, teasing her and staring intently.

Jack and Irina's thoughts went off in rapid, tandem fire at the thought of Dubey also in the theatre watching the film and hundreds of moments and flashes streamed through their minds.

"Yes, of course you were... its just, I wasn't expecting to see you here." Irina's eyes returned to his, feeling incredibly guilty for the pained look she saw in Dubey's eyes when he looked from Lena and Jack to her belly and then over the reveals about the 'whys' he learned tonight about why she could never give him what he wanted, her love and her heart.

The 'personal life' she had always kept from him, her truth. She knew he had worked out a deal with the US government about his status months ago, giving him the ability to roam freely around the world as he pleased... she just never thought of him being present tonight, though it made perfect sense. Like he said, he and his life were a significant portion of this film.

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