60) Embracing Agony

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson, Day-O (Banana Boat Song) by Harry Belafonte, There She Goes by The CranberriesGive Me Everything by PitbullA Sniper's War by James Horner, Time by Hans Zimmer from Inception Soundtrack, The End by Hans Zimmer from The Dark Knight Rises Soundtrack, All Waters by Perfume Genius.



Nikolas had returned to Greece with his parents to make arrangements for the move and transfer and was back in St. Petersburg the next week as promised. For his own security reasons he was now the proud owner of a gorgeous new home that was more of a mansion in the suburbs of St. Petersburg.

The Crown Prince of Greece was now living in a Imperial Russian style home and Nicholas and Jaxx thought it funny when they put two white marble statues of the Greek Gods on either side of his entrance to give him some of his own ethnic flare. The boys were happy to have him around as they enjoyed playing together as children and had gotten along well all throughout the years.

Even with how excited Nikolas was to be close to her in St. Petersburg, Nadia knew there was one thing he was going to, and already was desperately missing in Greece.

"Come on," Nadia smiled pulling Nikolas' hand in through the door, "I have to show you something." Her smile was radiant and it no longer hurt to do so. Her stitches had been removed and the bruises faded considerably with another week of healing past. Alexei had given her a special cream to apply to the new scars on four times a day so when completely healed, they would be much less noticeable, which she was worried about having them on her face.

"Now, just stay here a minute." She smiled at him making him stand in one place with a big grin on his face wondering what she was up to and deliriously happy that he had the next two and half months off from school to spend all their days together making up for lost time together.

"What are you up to, Grand Duchess?" He asked teasing when she started walking away and stopped in front of Sheera's stall door. She unlatched the door and went inside, clicking the leather lead strap onto the gorgeous black horse's halter.

When Nadia walked out of the stall and the horse followed Nikolas tilted his head and eyes widened considerably when the horses started whinnying like crazy to see him and started pawing at the ground.

"Shetan!" Nikolas gasped to see his black stallion being led towards him. At first sight he had thought she was leading Sheera and with the reaction of the horse he knew it was his own. "How did you…" His eyes were wide and smiling to see his beloved animal.

"I asked Mama if we could fly him in for you as a surprise." Nadia smiled seeing how much he was overjoyed to see the beautiful stallion, who'd won Olympic Silver with him. "I knew you missed him already after only a week…and you've already left so much behind for me," She smiled shyly petting the horse with him, "I didn't want you to have to give him up too." Nadia swallowed hard, "So I called your mother and father and asked. They put him on plane last night and Mama, Daddy and I went and picked him up a few hours later at the airport. I don't know why we didn't think of it before…we have plenty of stable room and you can ride all winter long in the heated arena, jumping your hearts content out." She laughed softly. "And you were right." Her eyes flashed to his, "He loved Sheera…verymuch…so much so we had to move her to the other wing of stalls in the stable because he was going crazy trying to get to her." They both laughed.

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