19) Sacrificing Life

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AN: Music of this chapter (on repeat): Sing For the Moment by Eminem, Roseby Hans Zimmer from Titanic Soundtrack, Training Montage by Harry Gregson-Williams, Matrix Reloaded Theme by Enigma, Ready Steady Go by Paul Oakenfold, Baby I Love Your Way by Big Mountain, Showdown by Britney Spears, In Dreams by Chris Tilton & Michael Giacchino from the ALIAS Soundtrack, My Trip To Russia and Bristow by Chris Tilton and Michael Giacchino from ALIAS Soundtrack, Red Warrior by Hans Zimmer from The Last Samurai, Page 47, Oh My God, and Home Movies by Michael Giacchino from ALIAS Soundtrack.



*Sing For The Moment*

Los Angeles – 1999

Sydney's left arm was in a cast, broken by a bodyguard while on a mission in Corsica, her long hair had been in a ponytail just as Irina's had, tears streaking across her face and clearly running with anger just as her mother had; the fact confirmed when images of Jack yelling at her in a fight they'd just had, flashed through her own mind followed by the times in her life that he'd let her down in the past… or when she apparently let him down.

The fight had been the result of her broken arm, the first time she'd ever really been physically hurt while on a mission and it scared Jack to death. She had lied and told him it was a rollerblading accident though he knew the truth and lectured her about being careless, which was ridiculous over 'rollerblading.'

A montage of her own brutal workout followed with the same ferocity in her punches and kicks that her mother held as she fought out her anger; fighting back the tears that she had been such a disappointment in her father's eyes all her life.

The remix song of 'Dream On' playing over this scene tying it together with Irina's showing once again how alike they were and similar their lives had been.

Jack sat with wide, sad eyes feeling everyone of her kicks and punches just as he had with Irina, and now Sydney, as they'd both work themselves to exhaustion with tears in their eyes over the pain and anger he'd caused them in one way or another.

When Sydney's forceful punch hit the bag the retreating arm belonged to Jack; hitting the bag in the gym with the same pain and rage the two before him held. His fight with Sydney flashing through his mind; angry at himself for yelling at her for getting hurt when he knew it wasn't her fault, especially since she believed he was this angry for falling from 'rollerblading' as he couldn't reveal he knew what she did and angry for being such a failure to her and channeling that self anger and rage into his hate for Irina.

Flashes of her smiling and laughing and memories of their life together, all the ways she 'fooled him,' began surging forth through his own mind mixed with his interrogation after her death, and images and information he had found out from her file about 'Irina Derevko.'

The words looping through his own mind of 'It was all a lie,' driving him on as he blamed Irina for destroying his life.

Irina watched with tears in her eyes feeling every one of his punches in her heart just as Jack had watching the misery both her daughter and husband had shared in.

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