37) Counting Moments

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AN: Music the chapter (on repeat): Good Life by OneRepublic, Adiemus by Karl Jenkins,



*Good Life*

When both twins were fed Irina put them in their now separate bassinets and climbed into bed with Jack. He rolled over onto her, resting his weight on his elbows at her sides and using his fingers to brush the hair from her face smiling down at her.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered in continued awe looking into her eyes before slowly descending his lips onto hers.

His tongue sliding past her lips into her mouth and touching briefly with her own before the kiss deepened and a tiny moan escape from the back of her throat with need. Her sounds had always encouraged him and flamed his passion and his hands tangled into her hair spilling across the pillow pressing his lower body against hers and feeling the raging heat emanating from her already.

Jack couldn't tear the smile off his face in the morning when he was brushing his teeth and Lena kept pressing her face against the glass shower wall just as Sydney had when she was little. Lena was in the shower with Irina getting ready to go back to the hospital and her tiny hands were smearing around the steam collecting on the doors while Irina knelt down on her haunches and lathered her daughter's hair in shampoo. Irina broke out into laughter when Lena mimicked her movements and then knelt over on her own little haunches seeing her Mama doing it. Her little hands started flying wildly around in her bubbly hair trying to help and giggling seeing her Mama smiling and laughing.

Watching the two of them behind the steamy glass, giggling and laughing, having fun with the simple things, Jack sighed in contentment in love with his life. They were beautiful.

Nicholas and Nadia were on the floor in their own respective bouncy seats, watching the activity in the bathroom with fascination listening to the sights and sounds each having been bathed by Irina with Lena as her 'somewhat' helper before the two of them jumped in the shower.

"Do you want me to dress them?" Jack asked smiling, kneeling down on eye level with Irina and Lena on the outside of the shower glass laughing when Lena smashed her face into the glass again looking at him and squealing 'Dad-dy!'

The twins were both bathed and diapered now snuggled into giant white warm fluffy towels but still naked. He knew Irina was going to dress them with Lena but he didn't want her to have to cut her time playing with Lena as they were having so much fun in the shower.

"I promise I won't put them into something horrible that doesn't match if you give me another chance." Jack laughed remembering fondly the look on her face and everyone else's when he brought them downstairs a week ago having dressed them all wrong. He'd just grabbed two outfits not really paying attention to what he was doing and Nicholas ended up in Nadia's pink flower and kitty sleeper while Nadia ended up in an orange and blue Onzie that was her brother's and purple pants with pink socks.

Irina and Sydney promptly changed them shaking their heads that he couldn't see what was wrong.

"That would be lovely, thank you." Irina smiled putting her palm up to the glass and Jack did the same, both feeling a rush of emotions run through them of memories of the last time they'd done this, her Execution, under far sadder terms. Her smile widened seeing the look in his eyes and sent another prayer of thanks Heaven ward before kissing the glass and laughing softly taking her hand away. Lena attempted to do the same and both laughed aloud seeing her little slobbery mouth kissing the glass for Jack.

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