7) Irina's Jealousy

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): Tainted Love by Soft Cell, American Woman by Lenny Kravitz, Legs by ZZ Top, Obsession by Animotion, #1 Crush by Garbage.



Las Vegas, Nevada

*Tainted Love*

"Mom, where are we going?" Sydney rested her head on her mother's shoulder as the limo made its way down the strip, linking her fingers with her own like a little girl.

"Some place we can let loose!" Irina turned her attention from the window back to her daughter, kissing her cheek and laughing at how cute Sydney was in her drunken state. "I think you'll rather enjoy it."

"I'm sorry Daddy was such... an ass!" Sydney frowned at the sight of her father kissing the naked stripper's shoulder. "I hope this doesn't mean, you're going to fight again?" She was worried anytime her parents fought, afraid the fairy-tale romance and life would burst into flames if they did.

Irina laughed, and kissed Sydney's head again, "Don't worry about your father, Sweetheart. We'll be fine. If espionage, war, lies and death can't tear us apart, I certainly don't think a stripper will!" She smiled against Sydney's hair as everyone else laughed realizing the reality in that statement.

Judy smiled at the two before her, relieved to hear Irina say that after seeing Jack's stupidity earlier; knowing how far they've come since Jack had first called her 'Laura' in her office and then set her up to be executed.

"Those guys were hot!" Sophia laughed, biting her lip and smiling madly as the other women laughed and nodded, sipping from their new drinks. "It was pretty funny to see our guys reaction to seeing us there though!" She started laughing again and all the women did too, each, thinking about the separate looks they received from the various men.

"This tainted love you given I give you all a boy can give you take my tears and that's not nearly all tainted love whoa tainted love…" Weiss, Vaughn, Sergei, Marshall and Julian sang together in the back of the limo breaking into laughter, slurring their words.

"How is it that you're so... damn smart... to figure out this...this s-tuff... all the time, like when ...we were looking for Lena... and you s-uddenly... came up with the idea to honk the horn? Now thi-s? ... Realizing that that our security... had to be in contact with their-s... and therefore, know... where the women went?" Weiss asked Julian, turning down the radio slightly in the limo on the way to find the ladies.

"I told you before," Julian turned his face from the window to the drunken man across from him, amused and smiling, "I was trained... by the bes-st."

"Irrrrr-ina the Grrr-eat!" Weiss said her name loudly then laughed when Jack threw an annoyed look at him he tried to stifle his laughter and failed miserably. "She's just a damn... s-uper s-tar!" He added causing the rest of the group to laugh. "Not to mention, she's h-ot!" Weiss snickered and the men were howling with laughter at Weiss's uncontrolled comments and Jack's reactions. "Why in the world... would you kiss a s-tripper? When you're married... to thee most be-a-utiful woman in the world?" Weiss frowned at Jack while the others were falling over themselves in laughter.

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