53) Nadia's Mistake

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): One More Night by Maroon 5



"Yeah, he's mine." Dubey smiled and laughed, "He's fifteen going on twenty-five, I swear. They grow up so fast don't they?" He winked at Irina having not seen them since he ran into them five years ago in Egypt and exchanged brief conversation about facts of life like the fact he'd just had another child to add to his own twins and Irina once again thanking him for his efforts in finding the girls years ago on the Black Market.

"Too fast." Irina answered, "The young woman he's currently having fun with is our youngest daughter, Nadia."

"Nadia?" His eyes widened with a smile. "Wow…she grew up! Well, that explains her beauty and his attraction." Dubey laughed while everyone else at the table watched this interaction with a certain fascination and uneasiness, all with wide-eyes. "They seem to be quite taken with each other…"

"So it seems." Irina responded with a slight smile very uneasy with the situation, never liking Jack and Dubey in the same vicinity.

"Well, he's a good kid, don't worry." Dubey smiled looking at Jack. "I don't worry about him as much as I do our oldest daughter, Rianna. She's got quite the wild streak and I have to keep an eye on her. Don't want some punk taking advantage of my girl." He nodded towards the opposite end of the pool towards his daughter. "I'm sure you understand as a father, it's just different with your girls." He laughed softly looking at Jack. "That guy she's been swimming with doesn't seem to be a punk but still… got to keep my eye on him."

"He's not." Jack answered in monotone swallowing hard looking at his son splashing in the water with the girl, "It's our son, Nicholas."

Dubey burst into deep laughter, "Oh, that's ironic. Your son and my daughter, my son and your daughter… My twins and yours… well Irina," He shook his head laughing softly with a hint of longing still in his eyes, clearly still and always would be, in love with her, "You and I never shared a baby but we just may end up sharing grandchildren."

Jack's eyebrows hit his hairline before squeezing into a glare and fist balling at his side, extremely disturbed with that thought and mentioning. Everyone else around the tables eyes widening as well and taking large simultaneous sips of their drinks.

"I'll have another one of these." Jack waved his finger at the waiter getting another drink and Katya sucked in her lips, biting them and trying to hide her smile knowing this shouldn't be entertaining at all but in some twisted way it was.

"Well, now I'm less concerned for her," Dubey sat back smiling watching his daughter, "I wouldn't expect anything but a respectable young man with the both of you as his parents. Someone who knows how to treat a lady." He flashed his eyes from Irina to Jack and then chuckled again, "What are the odds that both our sons and daughters would end up falling for each other? I understand why there is a mutual attraction and the draw is strong… hard not to fall for those eyes and smile," Dubey smiled at Irina taking note that both her children possessed those two features, "I just hope they don't get their hearts broken." His eyes were intent and smile fell just a little as he stood and kissed Irina's hand, "Seeing as how my children are in capable hands and enjoying themselves," He extended his hand to Jack, "I'm going to go find my own beautiful wife and spend some time with her...Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous. An astonishingly beautiful woman like her mother." He smiled again looking over at Nadia, nodding his 'goodbye' to the rest of the table with a smile, "I'm sure we'll see each other around. Enjoy yourselves. Irina, always a pleasure in seeing you." He added softly with a slight bow and smile.

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