66) New Moon

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): Egypt by Lorrena McKeenit, Portugese Love Theme by Craig Armstrong, Sirtaki by Andre Rieu, The Beach Song by Hans Zimmer, Everything I Own by Jude, Dragula Remix by Rob Zombie, Over Again (Cicada Extended Remix) by Odessi ft. Maria Nayler, Thunderstruck by AC/DC, Say All I Need by One Republic.




Jack and Irina agreed to let Nadia go with heavy hearts at going to miss her and slight trepidation having become so protective of her after Cuba. Knowing she was going to be with Nikolas all the time brought a great deal of comfort as did the fact that they weren't going to be all that far from his family in Greece in case something should arise. Irina had even arranged for the two to stay aboard Imperial III. while they cruised around off Egypt's shores doing their exploring and searching for the countries hidden underwater treasures. They planned to meet up with them in Greece for Jack's birthday celebrating with Nadia and Nikolas and his parents before going to California for the remainder of the summer meeting up with everyone else who'd already be there.

Nadia left three days after speaking with them and they in turn left on the same day for their Imperial tour of Russia. Many tears were shed on that day and after with phone calls made twice daily in checking in with each other over the course of the next couple of months. Nadia and Nikolas searched the waters everywhere off Alexandria moving out further into the sea every day and finding more and more treasures of the ancient culture and half way between Greece and Egypt, they dove a spot never before searched based on something Nadia had read in hieroglyphics on a broken tablet they found buried in the mud about an old trade route between the two countries. They had decided to follow its path back to Greece and what they found at the bottom of the sea had them both scrambling to the surface and screaming with joy and disbelief before plunging back down with more equipment to clear sediment.

"We can't tell anybody about this yet…" Nikolas smiled pulling Nadia up out of the water after he climbed onboard the back of the massive yacht.

"I know." Nadia's face was lit like a mega-watt light bulb, "I think I'm in shock." She smiled looking at the sparkling items in her hand.

"You're a genius!" Nikolas squealed in disbelief himself, picking her up and twirling in a circle with her, "If you hadn't have found that tablet…been able to read it…" He shook his head, "We found it! We," He motioned rapidly back and forth excitedly between them, "Found it!" He picked her up and spun her around again.

"I have to tell Mama about this…I can't keep something like this from my parents." Nadia shook her head and he nodded.

"I know…we'll tell them tonight night at dinner." Nikolas smiled looking at his watch, "They're going to want to know why we're late anyway." He laughed, "I think we've got a good reason."

"How are we going to just leave it, I mean…what's to stop someone from finding it and claiming it now that we've uncovered a great deal of it?" Nadia's eyes suddenly flashed with panic.

"They're not going to find it. We'll be back in a couple of days and it's in Greek waters. If they tried to lift it from the sea we're going to know. It will be a massive undertaking." Nikolas smiled, "I still can't believe we found it…and so close to Greece."

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