50) You Are A Good Father

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"Daddy, just calm down." Lena backed up until she hit the wall on the far end of the kitchen and he kept coming slowly like death towards her. She slithered along the wall looking with frantic eyes for a way out. "It's not what it looks like."

"It's not what it looks like? You sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night to meet a boy… who is obviously older then you… and it seems you've been doing this for quite some time and," He emphasized the 'and' with a steely gaze borderline homicidal, "Your sister is apparently aware of this? You'd better start explaining."

"I'd prefer not talk until Sydney gets here. We were going to sit you down and tell you tomorrow." Lena gulped with tears forming in her eyes.

"Sit us down? And tell us what?" Irina finally spoke with a slanted eyebrow and drop in her heart at what this could mean.

"Mama, I'd really rather wait until Sydney got here. I don't want us to fight." Her eyes glistened with tears remembering the last time she fought with her mother about something she really wanted and it went horribly wrong and she ended up hurting her mother, which was the last thing she wanted in the world right now.

"Why would we fight?" Irina asked with a cocked eyebrow seeing the difference in Lena's eyes as her daughter tried to avoid her gaze, "What is it that you can't tell me? Talk to me about? I thought we could talk about everything?"

"Mama…" Lena's heart was breaking at seeing her mother think that she was withholding more then just this…the look in her eyes that was silently wondering what else Lena hadn't told her about. "We can talk about everything and I have told you everything…everything but this… please, I'm not trying to hurt you or fight with you can we please just wait until Nee-Nee gets here?"

"I want to know what it is that you can go to your sister about and want her protection from us over, but not me? What have I done?" Irina asked in small voice hating to be left out of the loop on anything.

"Mama, you haven't done anything." Lena cried softly plastered against the wall.

"Then why can't you talk to me right now? Why do you think you have to wait for Sydney?" Irina's voice was bordering on pleading and demanding.

"Because I don't want us to fight!" Lena sobbed, "I hate fighting with you."

"Who says we're going to fight? I'm standing here listening and rather calm considering, waiting for you to explain and you don't want to?" Irina felt her own tears start to form.

"I do want to explain to you! But it's something I really want that you're not going to want me to have… or at least Daddy isn't going to let me and then you'll argue, and I'm going to fight you both on it and then we'll all be fighting and I don't want to fight any of us I just want to wait for Nee-Nee and she'll help explain…" Lena sobbed softly.

"How long have you been sneaking out to meet with this boy?" Jack asked with voice like gravel as his gut roiled at the thought.

"Daddy-" Lena tried to deflect and was immediately shut down with his sharp voice that made her jump.

"How long?" He yelled a demand in a voice she hadn't heard him yell at her with since the last fight they all had and he was telling her to go to her room when she was thirteen. "How long have you been sneaking out to meet with this boy?" He yelled louder again.

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