64) Need To Move On

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Music for this chapter (on repeat):
 Don't Let Go by Bryan Adams with Sarah Mclachlan, Song Bird by Eva Cassidy, Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz, Song Number 2 (Woo-hoo!) by Blur

*The Whistle Stop Cafe*

St. Petersburg, Russia - Alexander Palace

"You look wonderful." Irina smiled as she and Nadia walked outside together in the garden when Nadia returned from Greece. "I haven't seen you smile this much in a long time…its such a beautiful smile and I've missed it." She reached one hand up to brush against her daughter's tanned cheek. "Greece was good for you."

"Yes," Nadia answered softly still smile before her eyes filled with tears and her expression somber swallowing hard, "Mama…I'm okay now."

Irina stopped walking taking note of the change in demeanor and eyebrows narrowed slightly as she faced Nadia knowing there was more.

"I cleared the last hurdle… 'we' cleared the last hurdle." Nadia choked out changing it to 'we' to include Nikolas as he'd gone through this horrible journey with her; a teary smile forming on her face watching her mother's eyes fill with tears and smile knowing exactly what she was talking about, "And I'm okay."

Irina gasped softly with flooding tears palming Nadia's cheeks knowing what a monumental step that was after what she'd been through and that Nadia was confiding in her as she had never before about her intimate relationships. Their own relationship had changed so much in this regard sharing this horrible experience together had bonded them in a way only they understood; just as Irina's heart was bonded with Sydney's experiencing torture together and Lena's with the loss of their children. These experiences Irina shared with her girls she wished she never had, their bonds that had existed before had become unbreakable now because of them.

With a cry of mixed emotions she pulled Nadia into her, wrapping her arms around her neck and holding tightly while swaying slightly with tears and a soft laugh of relief when she pulled back and cupped her face again, "I love you, Sweetheart and I'm so happy for you…"

"And I am happy." Nadia smiled with new tears falling, "Being with him…" She shook her head softly looking down and then back up, "I now know what it feels like to be loved by someone in that way…and I 'did' feel loved." She smiled with quivering voice and Irina pulled her close again with happiness that her daughter had finally been cherished the way she always should have been. To know what it's like to be loved instead of used.

They held each other crying softly with smiles and tears of relief and happiness for more then a few minutes. "Being with someone means all the more when you're in love with the person your giving your body to…the person whom already possesses your heart and soul." Irina cupped her cheeks again with a smile, "I always wanted that for you…you deserve to be loved and cherished." She cried softly through her smile, "I'm so happy that you're happy."

Later that evening when Nikolas came over for dinner, Irina gave him a tremendous hug, holding him tightly for longer then normal with tears in her eyes and pulled back cupping the side of his face with a smile and whispered, "Thank you for loving my daughter the way you do." She saw the flash through his eyes that she knew and wasn't upset, but happy and she was. The gorgeous young man in front of her had done what he had promised and stood by Nadia's side for the last nine months, through ups and downs and let her heal at her own pace without pushing. A rarity among young men his age and especially when he had been quite a sought after heart throb with girls throwing themselves at him all the time and he only saw Nadia and looking into his eyes now, this close, she saw how deeply he really did love her daughter.

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