32) Can't Loose You

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Music For This Chapter: Silence by Hans Zimmer from The Thin Red Line Soundtrack, Act Of Courage , The Vampire Diaries Score: Elena Lives John Dies, O Fortuna/Gravity of Love, Fireproof by One Direction, The Maze Runner Finale Theme,  Hold On By Chord Overstreet.




Irina's heart was racing as she watched her Execution begin, only remembering it up to so far before she was unconscious and watching herself dying so violently now was unbearable to see especially because of her family's reactions.

President Bush and Laura were sobbing with everyone else seeing the red light blinking just minutes too late and had no idea really, how horrific Irina's Execution really had been. Watching as they tried to bring her back had ceased their breathing and even though they all knew she was alive and beside them, they found themselves still praying and hoping along that she'd make it.

"Get ready and clear!"



"Come on, Irina!"


"Come on, Irina!"

Dr. Peterson was sitting in stunned silence unable to blink or breathe seeing now just what had done so much damage and he shook his head knowing now more than ever, Irina's survival had been nothing short of a miracle. Something far beyond their level of understanding. A much higher power at work to have spared her life.




"She's gone…"


Dubey was watching with raining tears and absolutely horrified knowing his role in this even if it was unknowing. To see her body bouncing horrifically off the table, so lifeless and pale with blood streaming from her eyes, nose and mouth, literally watching the last signs of life bleed from her body.







"Crank it!"

"But doctor…It's been too long…she'll have too much damage."


Ann was so horrified her mouth was hanging open slightly in a continuous silent scream and sob, finally turning into her husband and clinging to his chest with fisted hands in his tuxedo scared to death. Watching this was worse than any horror film she'd seen knowing these events were real and she couldn't breathe watching Irina's body bounce and jerk off the table as they shocked her again and again back to life.




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