52) Lena And Anthony

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Music for this chapter (on repeat): I Love You (BT Mix) by Sarah McLachlan, I'm Alive by Celine Dion, Everytime We Touchby Cascada, Young Hearts Run Free (remix) by Kym Mazelle from Romeo & Juliet Soundtrack.



When Lena couldn't stop smiling at breakfast the following morning and kissed everyone good morning with a radiant glow, humming to herself as she spread cream cheese on her bagel and happier than they'd seen her in a very long time, Dmitri's eyes flashed to Nicholas who smiled and winked making the older man laugh softly.

"So Lena, are you going to tell us what has you in such a fantastic mood this morning?" Katya asked with hands folded under her chin taking keen interest in the mood change of her niece.

"I was asked out on a date tonight." Lena's smile widened and she literally couldn't stop that only made Jack and Irina's widen as they stared down the table at each other, loving seeing her so happy after so much sadness.

"Oh real-ly," Sydney's voice swayed and smiled softly, "And here I thought last night you said you were done with guys for a while? Who is the lucky man that made you change your mind?"

"Antony." Lena's eyes flashed up to her sister's with tight lipped smile so wide it almost hurt and she had to giggle softly seeing the entire table's eyes widen except for her parents, her younger brother and Dmitri who all looked a bit... suspicious, she thought, though extremely happy for her.

As they were eating breakfast and laughing, Lena came to another realization listening to her mother and father tell more stories about when they'd first met, talking about how she was Lena's age; with her mother sharing her thoughts on what she first thought about America and Jack and his thoughts about her that had them all laughing.

Lena realized listening to her mother, that she was not only the age that her mother was when she had met her father, but that she was now the same age as her mother, the last time she ever saw her own mother, Babushka Anya… having never returned to Russia after she left and when she finally did return years later, her mother, Anastasia had been murdered.

Lena's heart dropped into her stomach suddenly, looking over at her mother and trying to imagine what that would be like, at her age and having this be the last time she'd ever see her mother or hear her voice and tears immediately began to form in her eyes with a shiver running through her.

Irina was laughing and smiling at Jack's story and it was Katya who noticed the silent tears running from Lena's eyes first as she sat staring at her mother.

"Lena, Darling… what's wrong?" Katya asked quickly with concern as they had all been smiling and laughing and it was clear Lena was somewhere else. She'd no sooner asked the question when Lena stood rapidly and came around the corner of the table to her mother at the end and threw her arms around her neck, holding on tightly causing everyone to share questioning glances at the sudden mood change.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Irina asked returning the hug and stroking her hand down the back of Lena's head with worry in her heart and eyes.

"I just realized you not only met Daddy at this age…" Lena replied quietly speaking over her mother's shoulder and holding her more tightly, "But you never again saw Babushka Anya. You lost your mother at sixteen and I can't imagine never seeing you again or hearing your voice at my age…I just can't imagine losing you, Mama, not when I need you so much. I just had to hold you… I'm so sorry, Mama." She cried softly, thinking about what a gaping hole it would leave in her life and heart if her mother were suddenly ripped from away.

Alias- Forever And Alwaysحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن