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-May 7th

Corbyns POV

"Corbyn I swear I saw her," Ashley said, following me into my room.

"Ash, it's okay. You're probably just paranoid is all."

"No Corbyn. It was her. She was at the mall, sitting at a table, watching me. I can't forget what she looks like, I could pick her out in a crowd. Corbyn, it was her."

"Listen, she can't find us. We've taken more safety precautions this move than we did ever before. And Jorden is with us now, we'll be fine Ashley."

"We were fine until you started hanging out with that neighbor chick."

"Ash, we were studying."

"Oh really, because it looks like a lot more than that."

"Why are you so worked up? The only time I have talked to her is when we study, Ash. S-T-U-D-Y."

"What's going on?" Jorden asked, walking into my room. "Is everything okay?"

"I-I saw mom," Ashley stuttered.


"At the mall. I was walking past and I saw here, sitting there reading a newspaper, but she was staring at me. It was her, Jorden. I know it was her."

"Ash there is no way she can find us here. She has nothing to go off of, we left nothing behind."

"But Jorden-"

"We'll put up some more security, but we're fine, Ash. Go on, go change and get ready for bed," he said, patting her back as she walked out the door and shutting it behind her.

"You don't think she really did?" I asked.

"No, but she is pretty convinced. We'll get a few more cameras put up and change the locks again. Who were you talking about earlier?"

"The girl next door," I said.

"Just, be careful. We don't want anybody else to get hurt," he cautioned.

"Yeah. Yeah, I know. School is almost over and we're almost done with tests. I won't see her anymore after that."

"See her?"

"Friends, Jorden. I'm not letting the same thing that happened to Christina happen to anybody else."

"Right," he said. "You know she's okay, right? Christina."

"Yeah, I just- I can't believe she had to go through all that because of me."

"Hey, it wasn't your fault," he said, lightly punching my shoulder. "Now, go to bed."

"Yes dad," I joked as he walked out of my room. I shut the door behind him before going over to my window and opening it up and letting the cool air fill my room. I went over to my bed and grabbed my guitar.

Nobody knew I played, aside from Ash and Jorden, and apparently Alexa. But she wasn't going to hear it. That would mean bad things are sure to come our way, and that wasn't happening. Yes, she was pretty and funny and smart, but I didn't see her as any more than a friend. I knew I had to stop talking to her soon, but it was hard. She was my only real friend since I left Virginia. We might not be that close but she was the closest I had. Me and Jack talk a lot, but I wouldn't consider us close. Yeah I trust him, but there are things I wouldn't tell him if my life depended on it, but I would tell Alexa in a normal conversation.

Maybe she just reminded me of Christina. That had to be it.


I looked down at my notebook, proud of what I had written for tonight. I set my guitar back down on its stand and closed my notebook, putting it back into the top drawer of my desk. I walked over to my window ready to shut it when I saw Alexa sitting at her desk with the light on.

I watched her for a second before deciding that I was acting like a creepy stalker and shut my window, along with the curtains. I changed into a pair of sweatpants and took my shirt off before crawling into bed and cutting off my lamp, eventually to fall asleep.


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