Dove x Child!Reader

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Type: Platonic

You shivered as you walked through the forest. You were an orphan, an innocent 5 year old who lost their parents when they were 3. The orphanage you had onced lived in was full of children who pushed you around for the fun of it, causing you to decide to run away into the forest. It was harshly cold as you pressed on to go far enough to where it was hard to find you.

You were extremely cold. Cold to the point where you could pass out at any given moment. You went to a nearby hollow tree and sat down. You opened your small rucksack and pulled out a box of matches. You grabbed some nearby sticks and put them in a pile in front of you. You took out a match and struck it, placing the igniting match into the pile of sticks. At least you had a small fire going.

You placed your hands over the fire in an attempt to get warm. You figured you were going to stay here, but not for long as you planned to rise early and continue your journey. You looked up into the starry night sky and sighed. Your eyes landed on a shining star lighting up the night sky. Before she died, your mother told you the legend behind the shining stars in the sky.

"Mum? Why does that star shine so brightly than the other stars in the sky?" You asked as you looked over to your mother. She sat down next to you on your bed and smiled, "That star is very different than the rest of the stars in the sky. A star like that means that a goddess of light created it to guide lost children to a new home. There the goddess cares for the children who come there and she raises them as if the children were her own."

"Like you Mum?" You asked as your mother tucked you into bed. "Yes like me. I was 9 when I was first found by the goddess. She cared for me like my mother did before she passed away. I always think about her when I see the shining star." Your mother smiled as she kissed you goodnight. You closed your eyes and went to sleep.

You knew what happened after your last memory with your mother. Tears fell from your eyes as you recalled the accident. Your parents were both dead as you were taken into police custody. You sniffed and wiped your tears. Your eyelids closed as the fire went out.

The next morning

You woke up in an unfamiliar place. Instead of being in the forest like you were, you found yourself in a bedroom filled with your favorite things, along with a comfy twin size bed with bed sheets of (F/C). You got out of bed and noticed you were dressed in (F/C) PJs. "Where am I?" You thought as you left the room and followed a hallway corridor leading to the dining area.

You came face to face with two large doors in front of you. They were big with the handle just up to where you had to stand on your tippy toes and open it with all your strength. The door opened and revealed the dining table with (F/F) placed on the table. Being the hungry 5 year old you were, you got into a seat and started eating your breakfast. "Is this where the goddess lives?" You wondered as you ate.

Soon you were finished with breakfast. You decided to go back to your room and change into clothes. When you got there, you put on blue shorts along with a white t-shirt. Since you were full and dressed, you decided to explore the place and possibly find the goddess who lived there.

While you were exploring, you came across a archway leading to a vast courtyard filled with white roses, white lillies, and other white flowers that you could name. As you walked down looking at the flowers you heard a humming of a familiar tune your mother sang to you when she was still alive. You followed the humming which had now turned to singing. You now heard the song the woman was singing, the same one your mother used to sing.

"Remember me
Though I have to say goodbye
Remember me
Don't let make you cry
For even though I'm far away,
I'll hold you in my heart
I'll sing this secret song to you
Each night we are apart
Remember me
Though I have to travel far
Remember me
Each time you hear a sad guitar
Know that I'm with you
The only way that I can be
Until you're in my arms again
Remember me."

You peered into a small area and saw the woman who you and your mother called the goddess.

You peered into a small area and saw the woman who you and your mother called the goddess

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As if by instinct, the woman turned around and saw you gaze in curiosity. "Hello (Y/N), I see your awake." The woman said sweetly. "How do know my name?" You asked as the woman swayed her way over to you. "I watched you up in the night sky. You were cold and all alone in the forest, so I flew down and got you to my palace away from the cold." She replied with the same sweet smile.

"Your the same person who raised my mother." You said in a happy tone. The woman beamed at the statement, "Yes I did. Come along (Y/N), I must show you around your new home." The woman said extending her hand towards you. You took her hand and the both of you walked back to the palace.

"You may call me Dove (Y/N)." Dove spoke as the both of you walked. "Okay Dove." You replied looking up to her. Dove showed you around her palace and introduced you to her handmaidens. Then you went outside with Dove and played a nice game of catch. At the end of the day, you were tried but happy that you had someone to care for you.

At bedtime, you were in your bed cuddling Moonlight, Dove's protector and loveable dog. Moonlight was a labador retriever mixed with a pit bull. Dove entered the room and put Moonlight in the kennel. "Goodnight (Y/N)." Dove said as she kissed you goodnight. You closed your eyes as Dove turned out the lights. Dove was about to close the door when she heard you mutter something softly.

"Thank you Mum."

I hoped you enjoyed this! If you want to see more of my  magical but motherly oc Dove, let me know! Don't be shy, I just want to hear what you have to say!

Doveria the Goddess,
Over and out!

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