Red x Teal

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Type: Fluff, angust, and a small portion of memes
Requested by: Wolf-Wisdom and WinryRose10

Red arrived at the Hub before Mark approached him with a smile. "Hey Mark." Red said as soon as he saw Mark. "I know this may come as a surprise, but Dove needs help over at her palace." Mark said with a concerned gaze at the floor. "I'll be happy to help. What's with that look anyway?" Red asked, noticing Mark's expression. "Oh, well you see, Sparrowhawk told me that Dove had some sort of stressful meltdown in the waking world. I'm just hoping she'll be able to handle tonight's mission." Mark explained.

A stressful meltdown? That definitely doesn't sound like her. I hope she's alright. Red thought. "Anyway, let me activate the portal to Dove's Relam." Mark said snapping him out of his thoughts. "Alright, I'm ready." Red replied. Mark took out his teleporter and pressed a button. A white portal appeared on the floor in front of the both of them. "I'll see you later Mark." Red said before stepping into the portal.

A flash of light occurred along with a strong breeze and Red was now at the Palace. Only something was wrong, as the shining white walls of the Palace had turned a dull gray. Oh man, that's not good. This must've been more than a stressful meltdown. I have to find Sparrowhawk fast. "Red! Thank goodness you're here!" Red turned around and saw Teal running to him, panting and out of breath. "Teal what happened?" Red asked as he was now concerned.

"Some huge dragon attacked the Palace," Teal began,"Me and my team alongside Dove's handmaidens were able to hold it off long enough for it to fly away. Then when our guard was down, the dragon came back stronger than ever. This time, it was able to get past us. The dragon took Dove and went through a black portal. Sparrowhawk was able to shoot a tracking arrow on it's side before the dragon clawed him badly."

"You're not hurt are you?" Red asked as he scanned Teal for any possible injuries. "I'm ok. But we have to save Dove. C'mon!" Teal replied as she grabbed Red's arm and ran to Dove's room. "Why are we in here?" Red asked as he looked around. Dove's room was quite tidy to say the least before the dragon snactched her way ( with her wig lol.)

Red glanced over to see Teal opening a chest across the room. "Dove showed me this after my wand snapped in half. She told me to use it when times grow dark. I never imagined I would have to use her own weapon." Teal said. Teal pulled out a white scabbered containing a sword with a pink heart shaped handle. It came with a shoulder strap, and Teal strapped the weapon to her back. "Let's get going."

The pair walked to the portal room, where there was a bare trace of it's usual glory. Red looked around with fear and worry all over his face. Whatever happened that caused the palace to weaken, it was already getting worse. Teal seemed to read his expression as she spoke,"If we don't act now, then the entire relam will lost to the darkness." This statement already made Red more curious. "Is Dove like, how do I say this? The source of the relam?" Red asked as Teal was re-arranging the power stones that activated the portal.

"Technically she is the heart of the relam. Do you notice the palace walls getting dull with gray?" Teal replied. "Yeah, so if Dove's been taken, the palace will not only weaken, but the relam will slowly wither as well?" Red asked with a worried expression.

"Yes." Teal said before the portal was opened again when the stones were in their proper places. Teal turned to Red with a determined look, "Let's go slay a dragon." "Agreed, let's go." Red replied. Both of them crossed the portal and were greeted by a colorful, yet sad environment.

"What is this place?" Red asked. "Oh my God.... We're in That Dragon Cancer." Teal said with a somewhat concerned, yet horrified look. "We have to find Dove fast." Teal said before a shadow of a dragon flew over the both of them. That's a huge bitch, Red thought as his eyes widened at the sight of the large dragon. "C'mon! We have to go after it!" Teal cried as she proceeded to drag Red while running.

The dragon didn't get to far, as it landed a bit off of the pathway. "Stay behind me." Teal said before the both of them snuck their way into the area where the dragon slept. The dragon was grey with black scales at the tip of it's wings and tail.

It slept lightly, like it was waiting for it's next meal to come to them. "Look!" Teal whispered as she pointed to a cage that was bird sized and high above the ground. "That must be where Dove is being held." Red replied as he looked in Teal's direction.

"Go and free Dove, I'll take care of the dragon." Teal said. "Are you crazy?! That thing could knock you out!" Red replied in a panicked tone. "I'll be fine." Teal said as she drew Dove's sword. "Let's save Dove."

Red ran as quietly as he could to the tree where the cage was. Using his sword and upper body strength, Red scaled up the tree, being careful not to fall off. Teal meanwhile, had creept up to the beast, while watching her step. One wrong move, and everything would be in chaos. Red had reached the cage and dug through his inventory until he pulled out a hair clip.

I'm glad my sister told me to wait to use this, Red thought with a grin. Red reached over with the hair clip in hand and unlocked the cage. The door swiftly opened and a breeze of strong wind flew out of the cage. Now that Dove is free, I can go help Teal, Red thought as he began to climb down the tree. Teal had carefully climbed on to the dragon, making her way to the creature's head.

Suddenly, the dragon awoke and began to fight. Thinking fast, Teal used Dove's sword and plunged it into dragon's skull. A minute of stillness, and the beast's eyes rolled back. The creature collasped on the ground, dead as Teal pulled out the Goddess' sword from it's skull.

Red stood there, stunned as Teal got off the dead beast and put the sword back in its scabbered. "You actually just did that?" Red asked, his voice replaced with shock. "Yes, I did." Teal replied. "Is Dove free?" The Irish girl asked. "Yeah," Red replied. A white portal appeared at the same tree Red had climbed.

They crossed the portal and were transported back to the Palace. "Teal!" Both of them saw Sam, along with the rest of Teal's team run up to them. "The palace is returning to normal!" Cleo chirped. "Yeah, the walls are restoring to it's former glory." Yael added.

"Thank you Teal and Red." Sparrowhawk said as he walked into the room with Dove's handmaidens following close behind. "The entire relam of Lan di journ thanks you for rescuing the Goddess of Light." Harmony Heart said with a smile. "Dove was right," Teal said, "I guess we do have the power to save just about anyone." Teal said.

"Indeed you do."

A bright flash of white light occurred, and there Dove was, standing a foot away from them. Dove's handmaidens either bowed or curstied as a form of respect. "Dove!" Sparrowhawk, Teal, and the team of Teal's friends all tackled Dove into a hug. "I knew you could it." Dove said in her calm, soft voice. "I never imagined I would slay a dragon in order to rescue you." Teal said.

Dove smiled, "That's true, but let's not forget Red was the one to bravely climb that tree." Red let out a smile in response. "Now, it's been a very interesting night for everyone hasn't it?" Dove asked. Everyone nodded their heads in reply, causing Dove to giggle. "Well, let's have ourselves a little tea party. Shall we?" Dove said as she used her magic to summon a table with enough room for everyone.

The tea party was fun as Yael annoyed Sam with clean vines, Patrica calming her boyfriend down, and Red and Teal both sipping the same flavored tea. After the tea party, Teal and Red went out into the courtyard and sat down on a bench.

"So... I'm glad you were here to help." Teal began. "Yeah, Mark told me that something was going on at the Palace. I didn't think I would be caught up in an entire quest to slay a dragon." Red chuckled. "But everything turned out ok. And that's a good thing." Teal replied.

Tired, Teal rested her head on Red's shoulder, causing him to blush a small bit. But seeing that Teal was sleepy, Red smiled and closed his eyes as well. It was a happy ending for everyone in the palace.

Extended ending~

"Where is Red anyway?" Jade asked Mark after completing tonight's mission. "Dove needed some assistance, so Red volunteered to go." Mark replied. "I seriously hope there was no party at the palace." Blue said. "Or a ball, I mean, Dove would invite us since it's the weekend." Peach replied.

"I like balls." Purple piped up. Silence errupted from the group as Jade did their best not to laugh. "Good for you," Blue replied, "Good for you."

Note: I apologise for that last part since it sounded so wrong.

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