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Dove holding a magical harmonica: "You play it, you get a hundred million dollars. But a hundred million people would die."

Darkiplier: *grabs harmonica and plays the tune of darkness*

Dove: "D a R k  N o"


Mark: "Hi, my name is Mark. What's your favorite dinner food?"


Dove leading a yoga class: "Release all of the sounds that are trapped in your mind."

Red: *Unholy screeching that causes everyone except Dove to back away*

Dove: "Red? Are you ok?"

Red: "I'm a little messed up."


Red with Blue, Purple, and Peach in the training room when Red hears pounding coming from the ceiling.

Red: "What the hell is going on up there?"

Jade falls through the ceiling, crashing into the ground while the girls back away.

Jade:"Hey Red."

Red:"Hey Jade."

Jade:"That hurt."


Jade: "Get to Del Taco, they got a new thing called Fre- Fre-sha-vaca-do! Fre-sha-vaca-do!"


Jade:"How do know what's good for me?"


Dove: 0.o


Peach: "Road work ahead? Uh yeah, I sure hope it does."


Everyone fighting at the hub.

Dove:"Hey hey hey kids, kids... PATRICIA!"

Everyone: 0.0

Dove: "Honey could you be quiet? I'm just trying to do something real quick."


I hope you enjoyed these Hearts and Heroes edition vines that do not belong to me. I'm sorry I didn't get Purple her own vine, mainly because I didn't know what would fit her. Quick reminder that if anyone has any requests, Please go to the first page of this book witch has "Rules and Requests" I am in need of requests so Pretty Please tell me what you want to see.

As of always, happy reading my children and I'll see you in the next oneshot.

Doveria the Goddess,
Over and out!

Hearts and Heroes Oneshots (Requests are Open!)Where stories live. Discover now