Ranking Update

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Hello everyone! How are you guys doing?

Today I have decided to bring you an update on this book's rankings. Plus there is also a ranking on my other book, Heart of a Goddess. If you haven't seen it yet, then I highly recommend you read it. It will explain more about Dove, Cleo, Sol, Yael, and Patricia.

Anyway moving forward, We have new rankings on this book.

#3 in heartsandheroes

#166 in platonic

And last but not least we also have

#61 in doggo

Those are the three new rankings for this one shot book.

As for my other book involving Hearts and Heroes, there is only one ranking.

Can I get a drum roll please so I can reveal this new book ranking?

*Drum roll*

Heart of a Goddess has now one new ranking which is

#12 in heartsandheroes

I want to take this moment to thank my readers who read my work and my best friend AdrienLuvsMe12 who has supported me throughout the toughest of times.

Anyways I need your opinion about something so listen up!

I am currently debating about what should the next chapter should be about. I summed it down to a few ideas. What I want you guys to do is vote on an idea listed below. The idea with the most votes shall be the next chapter after the results page.

Here are the ideas:

Blue x Teal part 2

Dove x Mark (Possibly? I'm not to sure yet)

Red x Male!Reader

Even more art

And finally

Jade x Trans!Reader

Be sure you vote for any of these ideas and whichever has the most votes, will be the next chapter after the results page.

So yeah I hope that's everything I have to say in this page. Until then, happy reading my children and I'll see you in the next one shot!

Doveria the Goddess,
Over and out!

Hearts and Heroes Oneshots (Requests are Open!)Where stories live. Discover now