A Little Help- Red x Reader

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Hello my children I am finally back with another oneshot chapter! While waiting for requests, school started up for me so I'm a bit busy. But that doesn't stop me from writing chapters for you guys :D

Anyway without further ado, onto the oneshot!

Type: Fluff, a bit of lore, and interference from the Trait of Love herself :)

Requested by: Wild_Pupper

(Y/N)= Your Name

(B/C)= Battle Class

Another night, another mission to save a person from their nightmare and kick some terrorling ass.

That was usually the routine every night for the heroes saved and chosen to fight against the terrorlings, beings found in nightmares of innocent people that fed off the emotions of fear, anxiety, grief, helplessness, and hatred. The terrorlings were led by Crow, their General and the Goddess of Darkness, who had sworn to cross over to the Waking World and destroy Earth and humanity with her army of evil. The only thing standing in her way was her younger sister Dove, the Goddess of Light and Protector of the Balance between the Dream and Waking Worlds, and the chosen warriors to help fight against the beings of evil. Without the Light to bring hope and peace, despair and chaos would only be known if the Darkness took over completely...

At the Markihub, (Y/N) and her team members aka the Rainbow Cast had just returned from another successful mission of saving a person from their nightmare. The team also defended the terrorlings and managed to send them retreating, making it a bit more easier to rescue the person that was the victim. The Rainbow Cast brought the person to the Markihub, where they could get settled in and join the fight against the Darkness.

"Great job tonight everyone! You all did amazing and we saved our person from their nightmare. Be sure to be prepared for tomorrow night since it might get tougher." Blue aka the leader of the team said as she was proud of the mission's outcome. "You did amazing too Blue, with your fighting skills and all." Peach spoke with a smile. "Aww shucks Peach, you did great too! Especially you (Y/N), you really pulled it off out there!" Blue replied while grinning and looking over at her teammate. "That's just me being a (B/C), plus I want to make sure we can defeat those terrorlings and save those who need to be saved from them." (Y/N) said with a smile on their lips. "You're amazing as a (B/C) (Y/N)." Red spoke as he smiled, "You could even surpass Blue in fighting, maybe even Mark too."

(Y/N) blushed a light pink as they heard Red, and it was a confidence boost since the male also happened to be their crush. "Hey I'm still the team leader y'know!" Blue said while shooting Red a look. "I'm just saying-" Red replied while (Y/N) giggled with Purple and Peach. "He does have a point though." Jade chimed in before Blue sighed. "You can go do whatever you want before you wake up," Blue spoke, "I'll go ahead and show our newest member of the Markihub around and help them get settled in." Everyone else nodded in understanding before they all went their separate ways to do what they wished before they had to wake up.

As for (Y/N) however, they really had nothing special planned for their free time, but was hoping they could hang out with their crush. Unlike everyone else in the hub aside from Blue and Mark, (Y/N) was chosen and found by the Hub leader himself in the same cabin he found Blue in. Since then, (Y/N) joined the Rainbow Cast and went on missions with them, while slowly developing feelings for Red as he fought alongside them in battle. (Y/N) wasn't sure if Red held these same feelings towards them however, so it made sense that the (B/C) group member was nervous about confessing to him. However what (Y/N) and Red didn't know was that a previous Goddess of Light had been watching through the eyes of Doveria, the current Goddess, and had a bit of help for (Y/N) planned to bring the two destined soulmates of the Rainbow Cast together. And tonight was the night that this Goddess of Light and Trait of Love purposefully allowed (Y/N) to see her and her pet Snoot she set loose in the Markihub.

While (Y/N) was looking to see where Red had gone off to, they thought they saw something small like an animal running towards the end of the Markihub, where Octodad's shop was located. Curious, (Y/N) got up and walked over cautiously to the area, not knowing if it was a terrorling that somehow got in. (Y/N) peeked towards the end of the hall and saw a small piglet sniffing the floor. "A piglet? What's that doing here in the Markihub? I don't know if animals are allowed in here." (Y/N) thought to themselves before they approached the piglet from behind carefully, not wanting to scare it where (Y/N) would end up chasing it around the Hub to try to catch it.

As soon as (Y/N) got close enough, they quickly grabbed the animal and picked it up, while the piglet let out a small squeal. "Hey it's ok little guy, there's nothing to be scared of." (Y/N) spoke softly to the creature before it sniffed (Y/N). (Y/N) giggled softly as the piglet sniffed them, before they started to pet it, "You're a cute little piggy, now where's your owner?" "Cupid! There you are!" A high pitched female voice spoke as (Y/N) turned around and saw a woman with large pink pigtails with a large pink bow in the middle of her head, similar to Minne Mouse, a pink top and shorts with a see through pink skirt, and pink shoes with white pom poms. "Is this your pet miss?" (Y/N) asked before the creature jumped out of their arms and hopped happily towards the female. "Indeed he is! Thank you for finding him dear human!" The woman replied as a childish grin appeared on her face.

"Who are you anyway? I've never seen you around the Hub before." (Y/N) spoke before the woman giggled. "I am Flamingo, a previous Goddess of Light and the Trait of Love! And since I'm a deity, no mortal can usually see me unless I allow them to with the help of Cupid here." Flamingo said while Cupid let out some happy oinks. "Uh- ok then-" (Y/N) said as they took a moment to process what Flamingo just said. "What brings you here then? And why can I see you?" "I'm here to help you silly mortal! I have watched from afar and have seen the feelings you have towards Red. And so I'll just give you a little push to get those feelings confessed to him." Flamingo replied while giggling mischievously.

"Wha-? No- I don't have feelings for Red-" (Y/N) stammered while they were taken aback at what Flamingo was saying, especially at how she knew all of this. "Are you sure~" Flamingo asked as her smile formed on her face. (Y/N) sighed as they knew that this childish Goddess knew, and that there was no way to deny it all. "Ok fine, I do have feelings for Red, but I don't know how to tell him and if he actually likes me back..." "My my, a common occurrence as always, but no worries! I know just how to help you with that." Flamingo said while Cupid oinked in agreement. "Really? How?" (Y/N) asked, before Flamingo smiled and explained what she had in mind.

A few moments later...

"(Y/N) what are you doing?" Red asked as he saw his teammate carrying a whole bunch of Snoots in their arms, alongside wearing a ridiculous headband that had hearts attached to it. "I have no clue but Flamingo told me this would work in me telling how I feel about you WOAH-" (Y/N) replied before they lost their balance and fell to the ground. The Snoots (Y/N) was carrying oinked as they licked (Y/N)'s face, causing them to laugh while Red giggled softly at this sight. "Oh (Y/N)," Red spoke as he went over and helped them up, "You don't really need to do all that. Well I mean- I like you too and-" (Y/N) cut Red off by kissing his cheek, causing him to blush a light pink. "I'm just glad you do." (Y/N) said with a smile. Red smiled before the two got closer and their lips met, as they closed their eyes and enjoyed their first kiss.

Flamingo smiled happily as she watched, while the Snoots all oinked in celebration. "Another job well done today fellas. Now, onto the next pair of lovers that need to be brought together!" Flamingo said happily before a pink portal appeared, and the Trait of Love and her army of Snoots set off on their next mission to bring another destined couple together.

Hearts and Heroes Oneshots (Requests are Open!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt