Teal x Sick!Dove

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Type: platonic

A bright light flashed as Teal arrived at the palace. "There you are!" Cleo, Teal's second in command and teammate said as she approached her leader. "It's great to see you too. Where are the others?" Teal asked as she looked around to see if she could find the rest of her team. "Yael is currently in the weapons chamber getting her new sword. Sol and Patricia are in the garden area. I don't know what they're doing there." Cleo reported.

Teal nodded in acknowledgement. "Alright then. Let's go find Yael and get our stuff upgraded. Then we can go see what Sol and Patricia are up too." The girls headed off to the weapons chamber and met up with Yael. The transgender male had just finished getting her sword and smiled when she saw her friends. "Hey Teal. Hey Cleo." Yael said as she greeted her friends.

"Hello Yael. We're going to get our things upgraded. Then we can go and find Sol and Patricia." Teal said with a smile. Teal and Cleo went through the process of getting their weapons upgraded and received their new armor. Soon the girls were finished with everything and went with Yael to find the rest of their team. "Where did you say they were again?" Yael asked Cleo as they were walking. "Sol got here before me, so when Patricia arrived, the both of them went off into the garden. I didn't see them from there." Cleo explained.

"You don't think there's something going on between those two, do you?" Yael asked with anticipation in her eyes. Cleo smirked, "I never thought about that until you mentioned it." "You wanna bet?" Yael asked with the same smirk Cleo had on her face. Teal however, was laughing on the inside as she overheard the conversation between the two. Soon, the trio arrived at the entrance of the garden.

"Moment of truth. Place your bets." Teal said as her hands landed on the door handles. She turned the knobs and pushed open the doors gently. The doors opened to reveal Sol and Patricia a few feet in front of the trio. Their backs were turned, but the trio could see the two holding hands. "Awww." Cleo said with stars in her eyes. "I ship it so bad!" Yael said with the same expression.

Sol and Patricia turned around to see their friends with goofy smiles on their faces. As soon as Sol saw his friends watching, a faint blush appeared on his cheeks. "Are we interrupting something?" Teal asked as the two behind her giggled. "Yeah! Uh I mean- N-No!" Sol said, his blush darkening as he tightly held his crush's hand. "It's ok Sol. You don't have to tell us anything. We know." Yael said with a smirk. "I hate you." Sol muttered under his breath.

"Anyways, let's get going. We've got ourselves a mission tonight and it's not going to be easy." Teal said in a serious tone. Every else nodded in response and followed their leader to the portal room.

Timeskip to after the mission

"Alright everyone! Great job tonight." Harmony Heart said as the team returned from the mission with a boy they had rescued. "Thanks Harmony." Tealreplied with a grin. "Where's Mom? Shouldn't she be here to congratulate us?" Sol asked. Normally Dove or "Mom" as she was called by the group, would normally be at the portal room to congratulate the group on their success on the mission. However, it seems as if Dove wasn't here, which was quite odd to the group since there wasn't a night where Dove wasn't seen.

"Well I'm afraid to tell you that Dove has fallen ill." Harmony said, her tone in a saddened matter. "Where is she?" Teal asked with worry. "She's in her bedroom with her husband at her bedside. I'll take you there." Harmony replied. Teal looked over to her group, who faces said, "Go see her." She looked back at the white pegasus and nodded her head in response. Harmony lead Teal to Dove's room while the rest of the team stayed behind.

The pair walked down the hallway corridor in silence until they reached the door of the goddess' bedroom. Teal opened the door and the first thing she heard was the sound of Dove coughing violently. Teal saw her mother laying in bed, pale and weak with Sparrowhawk holding her hand while his face expressed concern for his wife. Maid Marianne used her magic in an attempt to help heal the goddess of her sickness.

"Teal!" Sparrowhawk said as he walked over to the leader. "How is she?" Teal asked in a concerned tone. "We aren't too sure. However, this isn't the first time something like this happened to her." The God of Prophecy replied. "What do you mean by that?" Teal asked confused. "Dove has been sick with this illness ever since she was 1400 years old. That would be, 14 in human years." Sparrowhawk said. "She's been like this for 600 years?! But she looked like she was fine." Teal said shocked.

Sparrowhawk shook his head, "This illness only comes out of nowhere. Maid Marianne is doing everything she can to figure out what is causing Dove to be sick like this. Why don't you go watch her while I help Marianne get more herbs. Is that ok?" Teal thought for a moment before responding, "I'll do it." Sparrowhawk nodded his head in acknowledgment. Then he left the room, leaving Teal, Marianne, and his wife alone.

Teal made her way over to the bedside and saw Dove's state. Dove was extremely pale, along with baggy eyelids and her hair color was dull. Teal couldn't bear to see the mother who rescued her was now sick and looking like she could die at any moment. Teal placed her hand on her mother's hand, causing Dove to open her eyes. Dove's soft brown eyes had turned into a grayish color.

"Teal." Dove said in a voice that Teal couldn't recognize. "Hi Mom." Teal replied with a chocked up sob. Dove noticed her daughter's sadness and replied, "Don't cry sweetie. I'm not going to die. This illness only makes me look like I'm close to the brink of death." Her sweet smile was there, that Teal was happy about. "Where are the others?" The sick goddess asked as her eyes looked around to find the rest of Teal's team. "They're somewhere." Teal replied, a small tear threatening to fall.

"I see. I'm happy to see you." Dove said. Teal sniffed as years had started to roll down her cheeks. Using a bit of strength Dove pulled her daughter into a warm embrace. She ran a finger through Teal's hair as Teal sobbed. "It's ok sweetie. I'll get better soon don't worry." Dove said sweetly. "Can you promise me something sweetie? " "What is it Mom?" Teal asked.

"Promise me that when I leave, take care of everyone ok?" The goddess said. Teal was silent for a moment. She had always been through the toughest of times but this? What should she say? But, since Dove had shown her the power of light, Teal knew that she saw Dove as a mother she never had. So she decided that the best thing she could do was to do it for her. "I promise." Teal said.

"Good. I'm proud of you Teal." Dove said before falling back asleep in Teal's arms.

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