Jade x Male! Reader

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Type: Fluff
Requested by: Casually_Dying

Your pov

"You're nothing but a freak!"

"Please... stop..." You said as you covered your ears in an attempt to block out the words of what ever those things were saying.

"How pathetic, even your family and friends look at you like an outsider."

Slowly, the darkness began to take a grip on you. You started to accept your fate and things were blacking out as well.

"E a thabhairt ar ais!"("Bring him back!")

A powerful light flashed and the darkness disappeared. You blinked repeatedly for a moment, trying to re-adjust your vision.

"Jade! Go to (Y/N) and bring him to the portal. We'll take care of the terrorlings from here." The same woman spoke from a few feet away.

"Got that." Jade replied before they ran in the direction of where Dove had pointed.

At the same time, you also started to make your way to where the voices where coming from.

The both of you didn't intend to run into each other and end up on the floor.

"Ugh... My head..." You muttered before a voice spoke. "Are you ok?" You looked up to see a person with dark skin with pink/orange hair that looked like fire. A glowing pink heart was on their sleeve that looked like the same one on your hoodie's left sleeve. "I'm fine, thanks for asking." You replied as you got up from the floor of the old workshop and dusted yourself off.

"I'm (Y/N) by the way." You said with a small smile. "The name's Jade. Oh by the way, I go 'they' and 'them'. And also 'their'." Jade said with an adorable grin. "Noted. What were those things anyway?" You asked as Jade led you to where the portal was supposed to be. "They were known as 'Terrorlings'. Technically speaking, they're assholes led by some insane general who wants to destroy the waking world." Jade explained.

Soon, the both of you reached the glowing blue portal. "Where does this portal take us?" You asked as you glanced at Jade. "This portal will take us to the hub. Or the Markihub as we like to call it." Jade replied. "Markihub?"

"You'll see once we step through."

The both of you stepped through and your surroundings changed from the old workshop to what looked like an awesome place to hang out. "So what do you think?" Jade asked. "I LOVE IT!" You shouted out loud. Everyone else in the hub stared at you for a split second before they returned back to their business. "Oops..." You muttered as your face gazed down at the floor. "It's ok (Y/N), it's pretty great too." Jade said, bringing back the cute stars in your eyes.

Suddenly, the floor began to glow as Dove and the Rainbow Crew teleported into the Hub. "Dove! How many times do I have to tell you not to  use your Light Circle spell to get into the Hub?" A masculine voice spoke as he went over to the group. "Is that?" You nugded Jade and glanced over to the man. "Yep, it is." They replied with a small grin.

Mark and Dove continued their conversation while the rest of the Rainbow Crew went over to you and Jade. "Jeez, they argue like a married couple." A male said with a playful scoff. "More like a mother scolding her son." A younger female said. "(Y/N), these are my friends." Jade said introducing you to the Rainbow Crew. From Blue, the leader of the group, Purple, the smol child, Red, the dancing boi, Peach, the eldest, and Teal, the daughter of the Goddess. Jade was known as the pun master, which made you giggle a bit since they were quite humorous with their puns.

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