Patrica's file

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Warning: The following chapter will mention topics of anorexia. Read with caution.

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File found.

Name: Patricia

Hero ID: 161202

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Korean

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Blue

Orientation: Pansexual

Height: 5'5

Best Trait: Very caring

Worst Trait: Lacks self confidence

Bio: Patricia is very sweet and caring towards her friends. She's also very obedient to her parents and those of higher authority. Patricia also loves her boyfriend very dearly.

Rescue Mission Summary: Patricia was struggling to run and hide from the terrorlings in Little Nightmares, where her anorexia was taking it's toll on her in draining her life force. Patricia tragically died after saving Samuel from an oncoming attack from the lady, who was also strong in dark magic. Thankfully, Doveria was able to revive Patricia through the spell of A Second Chance, curing Patricia of her disorders in the process. Patricia is receiving support from her new boyfriend and her therapist.

Battle Class: Arcane Dancer

Likes: Her boyfriend, white lilies, perfume

Dislikes: Mice, dirty laundry, and controversy

Dating Status: Currently dating her boyfriend Samuel. Those two couldn't get any cuter.

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