Q And A #1

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These first two questions comes from YO_LAME_POTATO who asked,

"What is your favorite thing about Dove? (And favorite waffle topping?)"

I would have to say that my favorite thing about my magical goddess of light is her motherly nature.

Dove pretty much is the Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond of the Hearts and Heroes universe. Her gentle spirit and her love for earthly life is one of the reasons she was chosen as the Goddess of Light and protector of the balance between the dream and waking world. She also sees her human hub members as her own children, protecting and guiding them to the light. Dove's patient self also allows people like Teal to become more open.

As for my favorite waffle topping, I would have to say strawberry jam. I love strawberries and strawberry jam, so it's good with the waffles I eat :3

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