Blue x Red x Peach

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Type: Fluff
Requested by: AdrienLuvsMe12 aka my bff

Peach appeared in the Hub to see her crush Red heading over to the training room. She smiled dreamly as she walked over to the weapons room, while planning to go over to the training room to not just train, but to watch Red pull off some moves. She entered the room to see her group leader Blue getting new upgrades on her armor and weapons. She smiled and went over to her.

"Hey Blue." Peach said as Blue received her new things from Wiford Warfstashe. "Hiya Peach! Did you just get here?" Blue replied with a smile. "Yeah, I came in here to update my magic skills." Peach said cheerfully. "That's great to hear," Blue replied as she went to the door, "Our missions keep getting more tougher. Might as well be prepared." "Will do." Peach replied before Blue left the room. "Good evening ma'm," Wilford said as he poked the sharp end of a knife with his finger, "What can I do for you?" "I'm here to upgrade." Peach said. "Aw yes. Let me see what I can do." Wilford said as he opened a drawer and searched through it before pulling out a book. "Now let's see here," He said as he flipped a few pages before his eyes widened at a certain page, "This is it." "What's it?" Peach asked as Wilford settled the book down on the desk.

"You've reached the level in which you can start making potions." He said as he pulled out 5 bottles of herbs and a mini cauldron. "Potions?" Peach asked with curiosity. "Since your in a Mage class, there are certain high levels that allow you to start making potions. These potions can be used for your team when it comes to certain scenarios. There are many kinds of potions like health, MP, attack, defense, and love potions." Wilford explained as he placed the items in Peach's inventory.

Peach thanked Wilford for the things and left the weapons room. She entered the training room and saw Red training. She smiled as Red pulled off some cool dance moves while fighting the mannequin. Peach's eyes gazed through the room until something caught her attention. Blue was also staring at Red, her eyes looked as if she had hearts in them. Peach took noticed of this and realized that Blue was also helpless for Red. (Not a Hamilton reference I swear.) Peach began to grow saddened at the thought that Red liked Blue instead.

"Hey Peach."

Peach jumped at the sound of Red behind her startled. "Oh! It's just you Red. You scared me for a moment." Peach said in embarrassment as she gazed at the ground. "Sorry about that," Red said before Peach gazed back at him. "Anyway there's something I need to tell you." "Really? What is it?" Peach asked as she raised an eyebrow. But before Red could reply, the third chime rang, ruining the moment. "It's ok Red, you can tell me after the mission." Peach said as she hurried to the auditorium.

Red sighed as he walked to the auditorium, having mixed emotions. Unknown to Peach and Blue, Red both had the same feelings for the girls. He knew that both girls liked him (since Jade told him) and he was having trouble deciding who to confess his feelings too. He soon arrived and took his seat in between Jade and Purple. Mark was standing on the stage with Jack, Tiny Box Tim, Sam, Dove, Teal, and Tiny Box Tina. Mark cleared his throat to grab everyone's attention.

The audience quieted down as Jack handed Mark a microphone for every one to hear him. "Can you guys hear me ok?" Mark asked, in which the audience responded by cheering. Mark smiled, "That's great to hear. Now tonight is going to be a little different, since we have Jack and Dove here with us tonight." The audience cheered at the sound of Jack and Dove, earning another smile on Mark's face.

"Now, there's something really serious we need to talk about." Mark said as silence spread throughout the audience. "We have learned that there is a more powerful threat than the terrorlings themselves. This threat also endangers not only the dream world, but the entire world itself." A gasp of fear and shock came from some people as their eyes widened. "Please, calm yourselves, Dove will explain further as she has also come up with a plan to stop this threat." Mark said as he handed the microphone over to the Goddess of Light.

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