Crossover Part 4

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Continuation of part 3 and conclusion of this 4 part series. Again, I would like to thank _WinryRose_ for letting me use their ocs for this crossover.

Now without further ado, on to the finale!

Dove led everyone to the room of Amara, stopping outside a silver door. In the middle of the door knob was a small keyhole. "Where's the key?" Aza asked as she peered over to try to look  at the size of the keyhole. "Teal has it of course." Dove answered as she glanced over to Teal. Teal pulled out the small key that Octodad had given her the other night. Teal extended her hand to give the key to Dove, but Dove shook her head. "Why don't you open it? Amara was your mother after all." Dove said.

Teal glanced at everyone else, who were all watching. Teal stepped towards the door and inserted the key into the lock. Slowly, she turned the key and unlocked the silver door. The door glowed and a bright light shone as the room revealed itself. There was stone statues of handmaidens nearly circling the room. In front of everyone, a glass mural of a woman with long blonde hair that nearly touched the ground, with her eyes closed and a smile on her lips. The woman had an aquamarine dress with a turquoise heart on her stomach that touched the ground and a lacy scarf that was woven between her arms and back. Below the mural was a throne that dazzled in silver color.

Teal gazed at the mural in awe as everyone else went in to further explore the room. "Mom was a goddess?" Teal asked Dove with a gaze of curiosity. "Yes. She was the trait of Serenity and was most powerful in combat. Amara also had the ability to turn into a swan, like me, I can turn into the bird of my namesake." Dove replied with a smile. Dove approached the mural and placed the two heart fragments on the throne. She stepped back as Harmony Heart gave her a small hug.

"Do not worry about me Harmony. If anything happens, remember, you will always be my loyal pegasi." Dove said in a gentle voice. Teal exchanged confused and worried looks between her team and Aza's group. Sparrowhawk gave Dove a quick peck on her lips before he and Harmony stepped away from Dove. Dove closed her eyes as the pink heart on her stomach began to glow.

A surge of pink and white light shot from the pink heart and hit the two heart fragments. The fragments glowed and shot up into the air as they combined into one. A wave of light shined as it flashed the room, causing everyone to shield their eyes. After a moment, the light dimmed softly as everyone uncovered their eyes.

A woman that looked exactly like the mural was standing in front of the throne. Her blonde hair flowed as she opened her eyes to reveal turquoise eyes with leaf shaped pupils. She smiled as she noticed Teal and everyone else staring wide eyed. She stepped down as Dove's handmaidens moved to the right side of the room and curtsied in acknowledgement. The woman swayed over to Dove, whose eyes were closed as Teal noticed her powerful aura had grown faint. The woman smiled kindly and spoke with an echoed serine voice, "You have my gratitude for bringing me here."

At that moment, Teal knew that the woman was her mother. "Welcome back Amara." Sparrowhawk spoke a bit softly as he went over to his wife's side. Amara nodded in response before she noticed Teal and the two teams looking at her in shock, awe, and suspicion. Amara smiled warmly as she approached Teal, her benevolent aura becoming more noticeable.

"Mom? Is it really you?" Teal asked as tears began to form in her eyes. "Welcome home Teal." Amara said as she hugged her daughter. Blue smiled as Purple wiped away a tear. "That's cute." Aza muttered as Angelo nodded in agreement. But that sweet moment was cut short.

"Aza!" Everyone turned to see Annette, Faron, Olivia, and Rowan standing at the entrance of the room with their weapons drawn. "You..." Blue said as she signaled her team to prepare for combat. "Should we do something?" Cleo asked as she and her group watched the tension arising. "If we were to intervene, there wouldn't be enough brute force to keep them from attacking each other." Patricia said as she noticed the Plant Team had taken their hub leader's side.

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