Dove's Birthday

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Type: fluff
Suggested by: Wolf-Wisdom

The following one shot is brought to you by my birthday :) Anyways, one with the story!

"Ok, so here's the plan. If we can distract Dove for a period of time, we can pull this off." Sparrowhawk said as he pulled up a board with a lot of writing and diagrams. The Rainbow Crew along with Mark and his friends all looked at each other before glancing back at Sparrowhawk's board. "Are you sure this plan of yours is gonna work?" Purple asked, "It seems like a lot to pull off." "I'm positive it's gonna work." Sparrowhawk said. But before the God of Prophecy could explain his plan, Harmony Heart and Tasha Tiger came into the room. Tasha took one look at the board before she remarked, "Oh hell no Sparrow, that is extremely boring for Dove to handle." Everyone either started to smirk or giggle quietly as Sparrowhawk's face started to sweat.

"Well then," Sparrowhawk said as he set the board on the floor, "What did you have in mind?" Tasha and Harmony looked at each other and smirked before they pulled red string and pink ribbons out of their inventory. "Listen up honey, cause this birthday plan of ours is gonna get interesting." Tasha said with an evil smile.

At least one hour later...

The flash of light appeared and Dove found herself in the palace. However, something was off, as the Palace was empty. Dove was confused as she walked around, looking for any sign of her handmaidens and her husband. Dove's eyes landed on an envelope on the coffee table. She went over and opened the envelope to a handwritten letter from her husband.

"Hi honey!

As you may have noticed, the palace is empty. But worry not sweetie! Above you is a bracelet connected to red string. Grab the bracelet and follow the red string.

From your loving husband,

"Oh Sparrow," Dove giggled as she grabbed the sparkly bracelet. She put it in her inventory before proceeding to follow the string. The string led her to presents such as a flower crown made of pink and white roses, a guitar, a new writing journal, earmuffs, and a music box. The red string ended in the room in the tallest tower in the palace.

"Is this where the string ends?" Dove asked aloud as she looked around for any clues. She glanced over to her left to notice another envelope containing a handwritten letter from her husband. She opened the envelope and read the letter.

"Hi honey!

If you're reading this, then you've found all of the presents scattered across the palace. Now, what I want you to do is use your Light Circle spell and go to Mark's Hub. We'll be waiting for you there.

From your loving husband,

P.S Mark won't be mad at you for using  your spell to get inside his hub. I've already made sure of that ;)"

"I wonder what will happen?" Dove said with a giggle. Dove's eyes glowed as she spread her wings. A spark little up as the floor and walls spun around. The explosion of light occurred and Dove appeared in the Markihub.

"There you are my Goddess." Harmony said as she approached Dove. "Hello Harmony." Dove replied with a smile. "Come, everyone's waiting." Harmony said as she gestured Dove to follow her to the infirmary. "Wait," Harmony spoke a second later. "What is it?" Dove asked with confusion. Harmony then blindfolded Dove, "This will make it even special." Harmony quickly said before she took Dove's hand.

Harmony led the oblivious Goddess of Light to the dark infirmary.  As soon as Harmony turned the lights on and undid the blindfolded, everyone in the crowded room shouted. "SURPRISE!" Dove covered her mouth as confetti and party favored kazoos was tossed into the air and blown loudly.

"Oh you guys!" Dove said with laughter present in her voice. The cake was wheeled in and everyone got a slice of the delicious chocolate cake. Still, Dove hadn't seen her husband Sparrowhawk. Dove found herself in an empty space nibbling on her second slice of cake.

"Happy birthday Dove."

Dove looked up to see her husband Sparrowhawk next to her. "Did you plan all this sweetheart?" Sparrowhawk smiled, "I did help out with some of the decorations." Dove finished eating and smiled. "I loved it honey."

"Oh by the way, you have some pink frosting on your lips." Sparrowhawk said. "I do? Well let me just get a napkin-" Dove said before she was cut off by Sparrowhawk kissing her. Dove closed her eyes and kissed back.

"Ayyy! Get some Sparrowhawk!" Jade said before Blue pecked their cheek and went to the other side of the room. Jade, in a blushing mess, went after her to get their revenge.

Best. Birthday. Ever.

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