Coffee Break- Peach x Tiny Box Tim

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Type: Wholesome friendship between a girl and an adorable tiny box.

Requested by: Wolf-Wisdom

And now onto the chapter.

It had been another mission for the Rainbow Crew at the Markihub, and they had just returned from saving a person from their nightmare. Peach, the oldest member of the group was quite exhausted since the mission had taken a rough turn, but thankfully with Blue's leadership the group was able to pull through. Now the muslim girl was sitting on a stool in the main area of the Markihub, getting herself a break from taking a huge beating during the mission.

As Peach was sitting, a certain tiny box hopped his way out of the infirmary, since he too needed a break from taking care of the hub members who had gotten injured during their missions. Tiny Box Tim looked around and spotted his friend Peach sitting at the stool area before hopping over towards her and getting onto the stool next to her. "Hiya Peach!" Tiny Box Tim said with a happy smile before Peach perked up and saw her tiny box friend. "Hey there Tim!" Peach replied before she placed her hand next to the box, to which he hopped onto her hand and she brought him close to her.

"How was your mission Peach?" Tiny Box Tim asked as he happily gazed up at his friend. "It was quite exhausting, especially since it turned rough in the middle of the mission," Peach replied with a sigh, "Thankfully we were able to pull through thanks to Blue." "Oh my!" Tiny Box Tim exclaimed, "That must've been tough! I'm glad you're ok." "I'm glad to be in one piece too." Peach said with a smile, "What about you Tim? How has tonight been treating you?" "Well- I've been dealing with treating patients in the infirmary." Tiny Box Tim replied, "Some of them have really bad injuries, and it kinda makes me wonder what happened during their mission."

"Wow- that's a lot of work." Peach remarked as she gazed at her tiny box friend. "I know, but it's also important for the sake of fighting against the terrorlings and protecting the Waking World." Tiny Box Tim replied. "That's true." Peach said, "Even the mysterious Goddess of Light has her part to play along with her realm, wherever it is." "Indeed. Google's been working to the realm and create a portal so we can go there." Tiny Box Tim said before he had an idea.

"Hey Peach, can you set me down for a quick second?" Tiny Tim Box asked as he gazed at his muslim friend. "Sure," Peach spoke before she set the tiny box on the ground. "I'll be right back. I just have to go get something." Tiny Box Tim said before he hopped off in the direction of Octodad's shop. "I wonder what he's going to the shop for...?" Peach thought to herself as she watched the box hop away. As Peach waited for her friend, she looked around from where she was sitting and saw her other friends and team members about their own business.

Blue and Jade were chatting with each other, Red was with Hazel and Gray heading over to the training room, and Teal, Purple,Rosé, and Sol were going to the infirmary to help out with the injured patients. "Looks like everyone else found something to do before they wake up." Peach thought to herself with a smile as she saw her friends. Suddenly, she spotted her tiny box friend returning to her spot with a happy grin on his face. "There you are Tim." Peach spoke with a smile before she lowered her hand and picked up Tiny Box Tim when he made it over to her spot.

"I got us something we can enjoy while we recover from tonight." Tiny Box Tim said before he pulled out two coffees, one big and one small, and gave the big coffee to Peach. "Aww Tim! You didn't have to, but thank you!" Peach exclaimed as she happily accepted the coffee. "No problem," Tiny Box Tim replied as he blushed a light pink, "I figured you needed some energy for the next mission tomorrow night, so why not get me and you some nice coffee made by Octodad." "Well, tell Octodad that he makes the best coffee." Peach spoke before she took a sip. "I definitely will." Tiny Box Tim said as the two drank and enjoyed their coffees.

"That coffee was amazing." Peach said as she finished her drink, feeling her energy and MP increase as a result. "It sure was." Tiny Box Tim spoke after he finished his small coffee. "We should do this more often after I do my missions with the team, and when you get a break from taking care of the patients in the infirmary." Peach suggested before she began to notice that her friends were starting to wake up. "That's not a bad idea," Tiny Box Tim replied, "It can give us the chance to catch up with each other and enjoy some really nice coffee."

Peach smiled before she realized she was going to wake up at any moment now. "Well, see you tomorrow Tim!" Peach said before a flash of light occured. "See you tomorrow Peach!" Tiny Box Tim called out as Peach disappeared in the flash of light. As Peach woke up from her dream, she yawned as she sat up in her bed. "I should get myself some coffee this morning." Peach spoke to herself as she got out of bed. When she got home and go to sleep later in the night, Peach would see her tiny box friend again, and after her mission have a coffee break with him. This would allow the two to become close and the best of friends the Markihub would ever see...

Hazel, Gray, Sol, and Rosé belong to my friend _WinryRose_

Hello my children!

I hoped you enjoy this short little oneshot chapter since I ran out of pages for writing in my notebook. But thankfully there's plenty of empty notebooks I can grab and put to use.

Anyway, since my writing has improved in the months when I was using my second account when my phone was broken, my art has also improved as well, so here is a picture of Dove to show you :3

(Sorry it's sideways-)

Anyway, happy reading my children, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Doveria the Goddess,
Over and out!

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