Blue x Teal Part 1

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Type: platonic at the moment (mainly between Dove and Teal.) There will be fluff in part 2.

Another night at the palace, another mission of rescuing someone. At least that's what it meant for Teal. It's not that she never liked doing these missions, Oh no, she actually liked doing her job. The only person she had to thank for helping her was none other than the Goddess who Teal and her friends called "Mom." Teal recalled the moment Dove had rescued her from the terrorlings.


Teal was still trapped after the attempted rescue pulled off by Blue and her friends. The terrorlings in her cell smiled while they continued to spread their words of doubt.

"You'll always be here trapped with no one to help you." One terrorling said. Teal sighed as tears threatened to fall from her eyes. "You were close to being saved. Instead you turned them away when you needed them most." Another terrorling spoke.

Teal was now crying, "Please stop." This only made the terrorlings take advantage of this given opportunity.
"It's such a shame that they were trying so hard to rescue you. In the end however, they failed. All because you gave in to the darkness." The third terrorling spoke. At least point in time Teal was crying hard, now wishing that she had listened to Blue.

Suddenly, a screeching from outside of Teal's cell put everything on pause. Teal looked over to see the three terrorlings frozen in fear. Confused, Teal directed her attention to the cell door. Outside her cell, a wounded shadowling was clutching their arm in pain as they had a hand grasping one of the cell door bars. In a raspy voice in pain the shadowling spoke, "She's here."

"Who's here?" Teal asked as she dried up her tears. Before the shadowling could respond, a blast of a white fireball of light hit the creature, turning them to dust. At this point, the three creatures in her cell were extremely terrified. "No. It can't her!" The first one spoke. "But how?" Another spoke. Teal was now excited and nervous at the same time. Who was this woman that the terrorlings were talking about?

A blast of white magic broke down the cell door. The three terrorlings charged at the person who was standing outside of the cell. Teal then heard screeching and cries coming from the creatures of darkness. Then there was nothing but silence. The sound of a woman humming a familiar tune coming closer to Teal was heard.

The sound of Teal's chains hitting the floor echoed throughout the hallway. Teal could now move her arms freely now. Footsteps of the goddess came closer to Teal. She looked up and saw her rescuer.

The goddess had dark brown hair that matched her eyes. She wore a sleeveless dress that touched the ground. The dress was white in layers with the end of the dress tinted pink. It was also the same for her large dove wings. Her peach skinned hand reached down to Teal, gesturing her to take her hand. "It's alright now. Those fiends won't lay a hand on you anymore." The woman spoke.

"Who are you?" Teal asked as she took the goddess' hand and pulling herself up. The woman looked down at Teal with her soft eyes before speaking, "My name is Doveria. But you may call me Dove." Dove led Teal away to where the portal had appeared while under the protection of Dove's invisibility spell that made the pair go about undetected.

Soon they reached the portal. Teal gave Dove a glance that said, "Thank you" before getting in the portal that led to Dove's palace.

End of flashback

"Teal! Where are you darling?" Dove called out as she looked for her adopted daughter. Teal heard the goddess calling and responded, "I'm over here!" Dove floated over to Teal and landed in front of her. Teal smiled and greeted her mother with a hug, in which, Dove hugged back. "How are you sweetie?" The goddess asked with her usual sweet smile. "I'm doing good." Teal replied.

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