Red x Jade

273 9 3

Type: fluff and angust
Requested by:Wolf-Wisdom

Pain was the last thing Jade could remember as they were struck by the terrorlings. Their stomach bled out as they clutched it. What was happening you may ask? The terrorlings led by a powerful woman of darkness had launched a surprise attack on the hub. Mark led everyone to safety while Blue, Purple, Jade, Red, and Peach stayed behind to fight then off.

The battle was long and intense as the woman of darkness was stronger than any other form of darkness the group had seen. All the while it was happening, Jade noticed that Red was taking the blows for himself instead of them. But there was no time to question Red's protective behavior. The group continued to fight off the terrorlings as best as they could. As soon as Mark had everyone away from the intense battle, he would come to join them.

Jade fought as best as they could while Red protected them. Purple and Peach fought together, both mages using their magic to heal the group and defeat the terrorlings. Blue used her skills to attempt to defeat the woman leading the attack. "There's too many of them!" Purple cried out as the terrorlings only grew stronger with the power of the woman's dark magic. "We can still pull through, don't give up!" Blue responded as she fought even harder.

Encouraged by their leader's words, Jade decided to give it their all, despite the fact that Red was still being protective over them during battle. "I wonder why Red's being protective over me. It's not like he sees me as someone special..... Does he?" Jade was then interrupted by seeing an incoming terrorling was about to strike Red, who was busy fighting a terrorling nearby Jade. Adrenaline kicked in and the next thing Jade knew, they were struck by the terrorling while behind Red, their stomach slashed in the process.

The pain was intense as Jade clutched their bleeding stomach. Their shallow breathing was enough to set Red off in anger at the terrorlings. Jade then heard screeching from the terrorlings as Red took out his anger on them. Then there was silence. The last thing Jade could remember was Red carrying them bridal style while tears ran down his face. "R-Red-" Jade said weakly but Red shushed them. "Your gonna be ok. I have to get you to safety." Red said while tears fell.

In the end, Dove and Teal had come to help along with Mark. The woman who Dove recognized as "Crow" was defeated by the goddess of light, Dove banishing her to the realm of shadow. Blue and Mark thanked Dove and Teal before Dove and Teal flew back to Dove's palace. Jade then woke up due to their injuries. The pain was still present from the battle that had took place in the hub.

Jade shrugged it off and got ready. They gazed over the picture they had taken with their friends back at Mark's Your Welcome tour. They smiled and sighed, then took their phone and made their way over to Red's place. Earlier before the attack at the hub, the both of them had agreed to meet up at Red's house because Red had wanted to show Jade something. Surprisingly, his house wasn't far. Along the way however Jade encountered something unusual as they were a few blocks away.

As Jade was walking, a white dove had flown down on top of a bench. The bird cooed as Jade was passing by the bench, causing them to stop and see what the bird was doing. The first thing that caught Jade's eye was the same necklace Dove usually wore when they saw her. The dove had a red rose held in its beak and set the rose down in front of Jade, as if it was gesturing them to take the rose. Confused, Jade glanced at the flower, then to the dove.

Suddenly, as if they were hearing things, a familiar voice spoke inside of their mind. "I cannot prepare you for what is to happen at your friend's house. However, once you enter his home, give him this rose that I have laid out before you. This will be useful to your advantage." Jade looked at the bird one last time before they picked up the rose. "Ok Dove, if this is what you want, then I'll do it. But I'm still confused." Jade said to the dove. The dove nodded her head in response before if flew off, leaving Jade alone. With the rose in hand, Jade continued walking before finally reaching their destination.

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