Peach x Tiny Box Tim

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Requested by: Wolf-Wisdom
Type: Friends

It was another night at the hub where everyone was preparing to go on their scheduled mission tonight. Blue and her group were in the training room practicing for battle. All except one muslim girl who was no where in sight. Where was Peach anyway?

That dear reader, I shall inform you that she was with an adorable tiny box known as Mark's little biscuit in the infirmary helping with preparing to heal parties that came back from missions severely injuried from taking damage. Tiny Box Tim sat on Peach's shoulder while making sure there were enough medical supplies.

"And... There! That should be plenty of bandages for tonight." Peach said happily as she set the bandages next to the herbal remedies that were organized on the table. "Nice job Peach." Tiny Box Tim said as he hopped down her arm and smiled at her. "Aww thanks Tim." Peach said with a soft tint on her cheeks.

"You should head back to your group Peach. Blue's gonna need you tonight." Tim said as he waved Peach goodbye. Peach walked out of the infirmary before running into Mark. "Hi Mark." Peach said in a friendly tone. "Hey Peach. What's up?" Mark replied as he saw the woman smile. "I finished helping Tim with preparing the infirmary for tonight." Peach said. Mark grinned in reply after hearing about Tim. "My little biscuit is always working hard. It's good to know you're helping him out." Mark said.

A small tint of pink appeared on her cheeks before a voice from below called out, "Mark!" The pair turned around to see Tiny Box Tim next to Peach's feet with a worried look on his face. "Tim what's wrong?" Mark asked as he picked up the box from the floor and held him up to his face. "We only have enough herbal remedies for tonight. After that there's no more." The box explained in a panicked voice. Peach couldn't stand to see her friend like this. She had to think of something. But what could resolve the situation?

Suddenly like a flash of light, an idea came to Peach. "Where do you usually get the things needed for herbal remedies?" Peach asked. "There are bushes on the far side of the mountains next to Dove's palace. Then there's some in the forest outside of the palace. There's plenty of locations." Tiny Box Tim said as he glanced over at Peach. Then it came to her about what needed to be done. "That's it! If the locations Tim mentioned are in Dove's relam, then there's a chance that she can help us find the herbs you need." Peach said with excitement in her voice.

Hearing this, Tim became happy and spoke. "In that case, you can come help me with collecting them." Peach was happy but soon remembered about tonight's mission. As if he read her mind, Mark began to speak. "Don't worry about your mission. I'll take over for you while you go with Tim." Mark placed Tim on Peach's shoulder and gave her his teleporter. "You'll need this in order to get to Dove's relam. Once you get there, tell Dove I sent you and Tim." The male said before the chiming of the third bell went off. "That's my cue. You two should probably get going." Mark said as he left to join Blue and her group.

Peach pressed the button on the teleporter and a white portal appeared. "This is it. The hub is relying on both of us to get those herbal remedies made." She thought before she stepped through the portal with the box on her shoulder. The transport to Dove's relam felt like a strong breeze and soon, the pair found themselves in the garden of the palace. "Woah." Peach said as she looked at her surroundings of nothing but white flowers. "Dove should be around her somewhere." Tim said as he scanned the area. "Where could she be?" Peach said as she continued to search for the goddess with her eyes.

The sound of a Celtic flute playing nearby was enough to figure out where Dove was. Peach walked toward the music and moved the branches of a tree to see Dove sitting on a tree stump while playing an ancient flute. A bunch of soft blue lights circed around the goddess as she played a magical tune. Peach walked past the branches and came into Dove's view. The goddess opened her eyes and saw the pair approaching them. Dove set down her flute and smiled. "Peach, it's nice to see you. And you've brought Tiny Box Tim." Dove said as she stood up and floated her way over to them with the blue lights disappearing from where they were.

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