Yael's file

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Warning: The following chapter will discuss topics of discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community. This is a topic that I feel must be addressed greatly, not only to raise awareness, but to let the community's voices be heard.

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File found.

Name: Yael

Hero ID: 251512

Age: 19

Gender: Trans woman

Ethnicity: Canadian

Hair Color: Dirty Blond

Eye Color: Hazel

Orientation: Panromantic

Height: 5'8

Best Trait: Making people smile

Worst Trait: Tends to focus on only one thing than her well being

Bio: Yael grew up with uncertainty about herself. She soon discovered that she was transgender and was able to be confident since then. However, there are some people who disapproved of her transition.

Rescue Mission Summary: Yael was found in the alleyways of Detroit Become Human. Terrorlings took the form of some of her relatives and classmates and yelled transphobic slurs while trying to kill her at the same time. Suddenly Big Chungus was summoned and the terrorlings retreated due to such a strong meme. Yael was taken to the Palace where she has been able to express herself freely.

Battle Class: Defender

Likes: Makeup, memes, and smoothies

Dislikes: Being annoyed, rats, and discrimination

Dating Status: Single

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