Blue x Red

98 0 0

Type: Fluff, angst
Requested by: Wolf-Wisdom

Blue stepped out of the training room and sighed. She and Red had another heated argument about Red leaving the group and going solo on his own. Blue could still hear their conversation echoing in her own ears.

"C'mon Blue, I really think I can do this." Red said as Blue crossed her arms. "But then we won't function without you. We're a team remember?" Blue said as she huffed out a breath, trying to not let this turn into another fight. "You guys are already strong enough. So am I, if I leave, then more people could be rescued." Red replied, his voice starting to rise. "That's not how things work! We need you! You can't just leave without saying why. I'm not going to let you go until you give me a good reason!" Blue replied in a stern voice. She seemed to have won the argument as Red stood there in silence. Then she left the training room.

Blue sighed again before Mark sat down next to her. "Everything ok Blue?" Mark asked as Blue glanced over to him. "Red still wants to leave the group. I told him that in order to leave, he has to give me a reason why. But he won't tell me." Blue said as she held her head with one of her hands. "Maybe you should be patient with him. If you remain calm around him, then he'll maybe tell you his reason for leaving." Mark said as he rubbed Blue's head gently with his hand.

"Thanks for the advice Mark." Blue said as the third chime of the bell rang, signaling it was time for the mission. "Your welcome Blue!" Mark called out before he joined Bob and Wade. Blue met up with her group and they crossed the portal to where their victim waited for them. The group found themselves in an area of what appeared to be a bar. "Where are we?" Purple asked as she took a quick look around. "This place looks familiar, although I can't put a finger on it." Peach said as she too tried to recognize where they were.

The sound of Jade playing an accordion was enough to annoy the group and figure out where they were too. "Thanks for annoying the hell out of us Jade." Red said in an annoyed tone. "At least we know that we're in Sea of Thieves." Blue said as she ushered the group to follow her to their pirate ship. Once they got there, Purple, Peach, and Jade explored the ship while Blue and Red stayed on the main deck. "So how are we gonna find our person?" Red asked as he followed Blue downstairs to the map deck. "I'm not to sure, but I think that we could use this map to locate our victim." Blue replied as she stood in front of the table that had a large map on it.

The map had all of the islands and seas listed on, so Blue began to look through to find a possible location. Soon, her eyes landed on an island that had a skeleton fortress and a letter "V" in the middle of it.

"That must be where our person is located." Blue said as she pointed to the island with the skeleton fortress. Red glanced over to where Blue pointed. "Are you sure?" "Yes Red, if our person is being held hostage there, then we'll have to go rescue them." Blue said as she headed back to the main deck to tell the others of her discovery. Red was all alone now. Red sighed as he began to mutter to himself. "How can I tell Blue? I want to go solo, but Blue will be sad if I leave. I wish I knew what to do." Red went up to the main deck just in time to see Blue giving out roles to the others for the ship.

Blue: Captain and driver of the ship.

Purple: Crows nest and look out.

Jade: Accordion player and cannon person.

Red: Sail adjuster and cannon (plus repair if needed.)

Peach: Anchor and repair  (plus cannon)

Red was ok with his role on board on the Rainbow. (Blue named the ship after the rainbow crew FYI) Peach, with the help of Red and Jade, lifted the anchor and the Rainbow set sail from the Golden Sands Outpost. Red adjusted the sails in the direction the wind was blowing while Blue drove the ship. Red went to the map deck to keep an eye on the direction the ship was going. He also had time to think to himself about going solo, but it was mainly Blue's reaction. "Blue has been quiet about the situation. I want to tell her but I don't know how."

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