Samuel x Patricia

37 0 3

Type: Fluff
Requested by: _WinryRose_

"Hey Sam." Cleo said as she appeared into the Palace. "Sup Cleo," Samuel replied as the two greeted each other with their handshake. "How's it going?" Cleo asked with a smile. "It's going great." The male replied before Patricia arrived. Samuel glanced over at his girlfriend and grinned before he walked over to her, leaving Cleo to her own business.

"Hey babe~" Samuel said. "Hi sweetie~" Patricia replied as she pecked his lips. "You excited for tonight's mission?" Her boyfriend asked as he placed his arm around Patricia's shoulder. "Yep. Let's go get what we need." She replied.

The young couple walked together to the weapons chamber to upgrade their armor and get new weapons. As a Heavy Soldier, Samuel expected to get a new sword that was twice his size. However, imagine his surprise when he got an AK47 and a strap of ammo to place around his shoulder. "Oh man," Samuel said, "Check out the guns on this guy!" "This is the comedy police! The jokes too funny!" Yael said as she entered the room. "I'm not going back to jail!" Samuel jokingly replied. Patricia giggled at the two's silly behaviour as she grabbed her two new daggers. Being an Arcane Dancer proved to be quite the task, but Patricia never complained.

"Ok, I'm finished Sam." Patricia said as she walked over to where her boyfriend and Yael were quoting memes. "Coming babe." Samuel replied as he took Patrica's hand and walked out of the weapons chamber with his girl.

Soon the couple found themselves in the garden where they sat down on a bench. Patricia laid her head on her boyfriend's chest while his arms wrapped around her torso. "How was your day?" Patricia asked. "I still get stares at school. I'm sure it won't be long before everyone finds out about.... my parents..." Sam sighed with a sorrowful glance. Patricia noticed this and rubbed his back with her hand. "It's ok sweetheart, I'm still by your side." Samuel smiled before both of them kissed.

"You owe me 10 dreampoints now Yael." Cleo said as she, Yael, and Teal were watching from a distance. Yael sighed as she took out her wallet and coughed up the money to give to Cleo. "Let's go get them so we can go to our mission tonight." Teal said. "Right." Yael replied.

"Guys, time to get to our mission!" Teal called out to the couple. "We're coming!" Patricia replied as the pair got up from the bench. Samuel and Patricia caught up with their group and walked to the portal room. The third chime went off as the group stepped into the room, causing the portal to open. "You ready babe?" Samuel asked with a confident look. "Of course sweetheart." Patricia replied with an adorable grin. "Remember you two," Teal said while glancing at the couple, "No making out until after the mission."

Samuel glared at the leader with a red blush across his face. Cleo and Yael on the other hand were giggling like idiots. "Let's get going." Patricia said. One by one, everyone stepped into the portal, and found themselves in TellTales The Walking Dead.

"You've got to be kidding me." Yael said as she drew her longblade. "We're gonna have to use full force on the Walkers to get to our person." Teal said as sparks of dark magic appeared from her hands. Soon, a battle ensued with Cleo using her force field to protect everyone as they fought off the Walkers. After a few minutes, the walkers outside were poofed. "Let's move along now." Teal said.

Everyone went into the abandoned building as they stuck close to each other. "I can't see a thing." Sam said as his eyes tried to adjust to the darkness. "I got it." Cleo said as she used her magic to summon a flame in between her hands. Using the now provided light, the group continued their search for the person needed to be rescued.

The sound of soft crying drew the group to an empty room with the door opened. Patricia looked around and spotted a person crying in the corner. "We're here to help you." Patricia said softly as she approached the person slowly. The person lifted their head from their knees and saw Patricia crouching down next to them. "What's your name?" Patricia asked. "I-I'm (Y/N)..." (Y/N) said with his/her voice hoarse from crying." "I'm Patricia." Patricia replied.

"Now (Y/N), do you see that glowing heart on your left sleeve?" Patricia asked, pointing to (Y/N)'s left sleeve. "Yeah, what is it exactly?" (Y/N) asked as he/she sat up in her spot. "That is the mark of a hero. It means that you were chosen to fight alongside people like us against the terrorlings." Patricia explained. "I can't fight though," (Y/N) muttered, "I'm just weak." "No one is weak," Patricia said, "We all have something that we are capable of doing. We just have to find what that ability is." (Y/N) smiled in response, glad that he/she knew that at least someone cared.

"Hey Patricia did you find- Oh nevermind then." Samuel said as he went over to (Y/N). "I'm Samuel. I see you've met my girlfriend Patricia." Samuel smiled as he extended his hand. (Y/N) took his hand and was brought to his/her feet. "Guys! The portal just appeared!" Cleo called out. "We're coming Cleo." Patricia replied. The group of now 6 crossed through the portal and found themselves back in the Palace.

Teal dismissed the group as she showed (Y/N) around the Palace. Samuel and Patricia went to the garden to spend some time with each other before it was time to wake up. "Nice job tonight babe." Samuel said as he nuzzled his face against Patrica's face. "As we always do." Patricia replied before the couple shared a loving, blissful kiss.


This part here is gonna be a little bonus for _WinryRose_

Since I could not find a link for you to see Sol ( I apologize for that) I decided to draw Sol for you.

I hope you like it :)

I'll be realising Yael and Patricia's files soon.

And as of always I'll see you in the next chapter.

Doveria the Goddess,
Over and out!

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