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Hello everyone! How are you guys doing?

I have some announcements to make. You might wanna listen since its pretty important.

First off, I would like to apologize for the lack of updates on my stories and activity since high school and life has been pretty hectic these last few weeks.

Not only that but since its starting to get colder in my area, I've been getting a bit down with a stuffy nose. Plus I had a minor nosebleed on Friday so that was fun as well.

Overall I have not come down with any serious illnesses like the flu, so I'll be able to not miss any school.

Anyway enough of my life story so far. We all know I wouldn't have made this to bore all of you readers out of your mind out there. That's why there's good news as well!

Today I will be adding more one shot options for this book. That includes the characters from a Jacksepticeye fan game called The Boss.

Such options include:

Markiplier himself









And last but not least, can I get a drum roll please?

Your Ocs!

Yes you heard me correctly, I shall take requests of your ocs paired up with a character of your choice.

For those of you who may have forgotten what type of prompts I do, take a look at the list down here.







Oc paring is now an option

What I don't do:

Smut. I think we all by now that I get pretty uncomfortable with writing smut. Especially lemons.

Oh I nearly forgot to mention:

I already said this before, some of y'all know, some of y'all don't, but back in September I started a Tumblr blog post page.

If you're interested in following me, my account name is doveriathegoddess. I usually don't post I lot but I normally post art related stuff that involves my oc Dove most of the time. Even one of my posts involving Dove got liked by m0rkl, one of the game developers for Hearts and Heroes.

So that's all I have to stay. I'm still taking requests so don't be shy.

Doveria the Goddess,
Over and out!

Hearts and Heroes Oneshots (Requests are Open!)Where stories live. Discover now