Wedding Day- Dove x Sparrowhawk

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Hello my children!

As I said in the previous oneshot of my married couple, I would write a oneshot of their wedding that took place 600 years ago. And I'm writing it because it was requested :D

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy reading this one as I did writing it!

Type: Fluff and lore

Requested by: Wolf-Wisdom

And onto the chapter.

Teal hummed to herself as she walked down the hallway corridors of the Palace, looking for the woman who was the reincarnation of her mother, known as Doveria. She was hoping she could talk to her, since she had a bit of time to spare after she came back from her completed mission with her friends. Since the Goddess of Light had saved Teal from her nightmare and healed her soul, the 18 year old Black Mage formed and became the leader of the famous group known as the Crusaders of Light. Unlike the Rainbow Cast however, the Crusaders were busy fighting against the leader of the terrorlings and the Goddess of Darkness herself: Crowella, or Crow as she was called.

Crow was the Trait of War and the complete opposite of her younger sister Dove. She had sworn to destroy all of humanity with her army of terrorlings, by feeding off the emotions of fear, anger, grief, and helplessness from the humans, allowing her army to grow stronger until they cross over and invade the Waking World by full force. However, standing in her way was her younger sister Dove, who saw the good in humanity and the world, and vowed to protect it from the destructive nature of Crow and her terrorling army.

That was also why Dove went out and saved the daughter of her predecessor Amara, and formed the legendary Crusaders of Light with Teal being the leader of the group. The main goal of the Crusaders of Light, was to defeat Crow and her terrorling army and save both the Dream and Waking worlds from the Darkness. And now since the Crusaders of Light had finished their mission for the night, Teal was now looking for Dove and hoped that she could talk with her before she woke up. As Teal explored the hallway corridors of the Palace trying to find her mother, she stopped as she came across a mural on the wall.

The mural on the wall displayed an event, a wedding to be exact as Teal recognized the couple getting married as Dove and Sparrowhawk. Teal noticed that the two looked younger when they married, and became curious about what happened on the day of the wedding. While Teal was looking at the mural, the Goddess herself was walking down the hallway and spotted her daughter by the mural. Dove smiled softly as she approached Teal, before the girl looked and saw her mother coming over to her. "I see you've become interested in this special mural here." Dove said as she gazed at the mural showing her and her husband's wedding.

"Yeah..." Teal replied before curiosity got the better of her as she glanced at the Goddess of Light. "What was it like that day?" Teal asked before Dove smiled softly. "That day was one of the best days of my life," Dove replied, "And since you're listening, I'll tell you all about Lil' Zorp." Teal giggled as Dove patted her head gently with her hand, before the two of them looked at the mural. "It was 600 years ago, after the War of 100 years had come to an end..." Dove began as Teal listened intently, before the Goddess told the story of her marriage to the God of Prophecy.

Flashback to 600 years ago at the Grand Cathedral in the Celestial Realm...

The day was special at the Grand Cathedral, for the Gods and Goddesses from every kind of mythology around the world was gathering for the wedding of Doveria, Goddess of Light and Trait of Peace, and Sparrowhawk, God of Prophecy. The couple was quite young, with Dove being 1600 years of age (16 in human years) and her fiance Sparrowhawk being 1700 years of age (17 in human years) but nonetheless were deeply in love with each other. The two had met during the War of 100 Years, when Crow had launched a surprise terrorling attack on the Tower of Elements, where Sparrowhawk was training with the newly chosen Gods on their powers. Sparrowhawk led the other weaker Gods to safety while the stronger Gods fought off the terrorlings.

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