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Today I shall share some headcannons revolving around the Rainbow Crew.

Enjoy :)


She spends her time outside playing lacrosse after a day in school.

Blue listens to Hamilton more than at least 3 times

As soon as Mary Poppins Returns comes out, she'll go see it and then memorize all the songs.

If she were to play Overwatch with Jade, she could be Rhineheart.


She may have turned 14 before her parents divorce a few months later.

She's the middle child.

Purple got her puzzle skills from her mother.

She picked up baking at around the age of 12.


Plays Overwatch when their in a bad mood.

Spends time coming up with really bad puns.

Jade's dad may have abused them before both parents divorced. That's why Jade doesn't talk to their dad.

They reveal their true feelings when their alone.


He may tend to lash out if someone were to do something very stupid.

Red could like drinking tea to calm him down.

He loves to hang out with his boyfriend Miles during the summertime.

He might get annoyed at his little sister sometimes.


Would probably cosplay as Bowsette.... with some changes

She visits her parents and older sister when she has the chance.

Watches Mark's videos in her spare time.


She was about 4 years old when her parents were killed in the fire that burned down her house.

She's been passed around when the relative she was staying with wasn't in good financial conditions.

As for her relationship with Dove, Teal is suspicious that Dove may know more than what she's been telling her, especially when it comes to her deceased mother.

Teal drinks tea when she's sad or stressed.

That's all the headcannons I have so far.

Now it's your turn to share your headcannons. I would love to hear headcannons about Dove before I reveal what is cannon about the Goddess of Light :)

Doveria the Goddess,
Over and out!

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