Cleo's File

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Warning: The following chapter will discuss heavy topics of depression, suicidal thoughts, and death. Viewer discretion is advised.

If you or someone you know is going through depression and is having thoughts about suicide, encourage them to seek out the help they need. You can also message me if you're going through something like this. I will always be happy to help you.

File found.

Name: Cleopatra (Cleo for short)

Hero ID: 311515

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: German

Hair Color: Hazel brown

Eye Color: Green

Orientation: Lesbian

Height: 5'7

Best Trait: Skilled thinking

Worst Trait: Bottles up emotions, especially sadness

Bio: Cleo is very great when it comes to things like gathering items and completing her schoolwork early. However, behind that happy behaviour lies a past tied together with tragedy and struggling.

Rescue Mission Summary: Cleo was being tortured by the terrorlings by reminding her of the events that led her to her severe depression such as her mother's death by suicide. The terrorlings nearly succeeded in driving Cleo to take her life as they convinced her to stand on the chair with her putting the noose around her neck. A shout occurred and the noose was cut off while the terrorlings were slayed by a sword of justice. A powerful being proceeded to use her spell to heal Cleo's soul along with her scars all over her arms. Cleo was then taken to a magical relam where she would be given counseling to help her recover from being trapped in The Static Speaks My Name.

Battle Class: Elemental Mage

Likes: Food, playing her violin, binge watching anime

Dislikes: Being blamed, snakes, mint

Dating Status: Single

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