Chapter I

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"Ah!" Beca jolted upright and found herself in a cold sweat.

Her heart was pounding, her body was trembling, and she was panting as if she had just run a race. She looked at her clock on her bedside table and saw that is was a few minutes past two in the morning.

The brunette turned on her bedside lamp and scanned her room. There was nobody else in her room but her. There was a desk with her computer and her mixing equipment, her wardrobe, her set of drawers, and her bed. Her walls were decorated with pictures of herself with friends and posters.

She sighed, wiped her face, then stepped out of bed and walked to her window. She pulled the curtains aside and opened the window, allowing a cool breeze to flow through. Beca sighed contently as the cold air collected the sweat of her face. She felt her t-shirt billow in the wind softly and it brought her some form of comfort.

Having nightmares wasn't uncommon for young Beca. She would get them quite often, but more so when she was stressed or something was bothering her. The first day of her final year of high school was tomorrow and even though Beca rather enjoyed high school, she would always be nervous to return after a long period of time.

After about five minutes of basking in the delightful cool breeze, Beca shut her window and removed her t-shirt when she sat back in bed. Whenever Beca got a nightmare she would sweat profusely. She hoped that she wouldn't have gotten a nightmare that night but she knew deep down she would have. She would have to change her sheets since they were drenched in her sweat but she'd worry about that in the morning. At that moment, Beca put her head on her pillow, closed her eyes, and drifted back to sleep.


The first sequence of the day was an assembly at half-past eight in the morning. Since it was the first day of the school year, all staff and students were gathered into the auditorium for the principal to welcome everyone back, welcome new students, and teachers, and make any other important announcements.

The assembly on the first day back would usually take about half an hour and it was pretty boring for most students. Beca sat in the middle of the auditorium with her friends, Stacie - a tall brunette known for her high sex drive and Beca's closest female friend, Jesse - a strong-willed young man and Beca's closest male friend, Fat Amy - an Australian student known for her carefree attitude and honesty, and Cynthia-Rose (CR) - the protector of the group who had everyone's back no matter what. Together, they were the strongest group of friends in the entire school.

About half-way through the assembly, Beca pulled out her phone and began scrolling through social media while her other friends did the same as well as talked and made snarky jokes.

"I would now like to welcome the newest addition to our staff," Principal John Archer said proudly. "Firstly, I would like to welcome Miss Aubrey Posen who will be teaching Year Eleven and Year Twelve Maths."

Beca lifted her head from her device since she was interested to see who the new teachers were just in case she had any of them. Miss Posen had light blue eyes and blonde hair. She dressed neatly but also dully. Her pencil skirt was charcoal, her blouse was white, her cardigan was black as were her heels, which made her about an inch or so taller.

"Next, we have Mr. Tom Cameron who will be teaching Year Eleven and Year Twelve Gym."

Mr. Cameron was rather handsome with short brown hair and matching eyes. He wore tan pants, black leather shoes, and a white button-up shirt. A lot of the girls in the auditorium gazed at him as he smiled at everyone after shaking the principal's hand.

"I'm taking up sport now." A girl whispered, who was sat behind Beca.

"I know, right? I'm so glad this is my final year... Do you think he has a girlfriend?" Another girl asked.

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