Chapter IV

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No nightmares for Beca this time but that didn't mean she was completely free from her dreams. This time she dreamt about Chloe. She was holding hands with the older woman in the park then they stopped and kissed. Beca woke up in not only confusion but also in arousal. She wasn't fond of having a crush. It meant that she became somewhat dependant on that person as if she relied on them to make her happy. What made it even worse was the fact that the person couldn't be hers. She was trapped in feelings, which made her feel terrible.

Beca liked Chloe, she had a crush on the woman but she knew that the redhead couldn't be hers, well, at least not yet. Beca was in her final year of high school and if she still felt the same way about her teacher, then she could date her. But there were too many issues. Chloe could already have someone in her life, or she could be one hundred percent straight. Beca wasn't sure which one was worse.

The brunette wanted Chloe to be hers as each day passed. It was Friday and Beca was in English again. She had her first test on the first chapter of Atonement. Since Beca wanted to impress Chloe, Beca had read ahead of what was required and was about half-way through the book, not to mention that she did a bit of extra research on it in order to ace, not only her test, but her essay as well.

"Alright, class! Time's up!" Chloe called it and the students put their pens down.

Beca had finished the test with five minutes to spare since she knew all the answers and was confident in herself. She was eager for Chloe to take her work and see just how smart she really was. If there was anything Beca knew about teachers, it was that they liked students who brought their A game to class and aced everything that was thrown at them. Beca certainly brought her A game and more to class that day.

For the final day of the week, Chloe wore a black skirt with matching tights and flats and a green button-up shirt. Her hair was down again and she looked absolutely beautiful. Beca never could resist a beautiful woman in a skirt so it was a rather difficult focusing on the test.

"You guys can have an early minute since you worked so well. Leave your papers on your desk and I'll collect them. See you next week!" Chloe concluded and everyone packed away their things and left the room.

Beca took her time of course. She wanted to see Chloe's reaction to how much she wrote on her test.

"You coming, Beca?" Stacie asked when she stood.

"Yeah, just making sure I've got everything. I'll meet you out there." Beca rose then Chloe reached the brunette and took her test.

"Wow, Mitchell!" Chloe said when she looked at Beca's test. "Are you trying to write a novel of your own?"

"What can I say? I'm a quick learner." Beca flung her bag over her shoulder and realised that it was only Chloe and herself left in the room.

"It certainly looks that way. Fantastic effort. I look forward to marking it." Chloe smiled, revealing a beautiful white smile, which complimented her piercing blue eyes.

"When will we get them back?" Beca asked.

"I plan to mark them over the weekend so hopefully Monday." Chloe made her way to her desk at the front of the room once she collected all the tests.

Beca followed her.

"Are you going to mark mine first?" Beca smirked and Chloe chuckled at her.

"I'll mark them in the order they're in now. Unless you're in a hurry?"

"No, I just figured that you'd be more interested in marking the best one first."

Chloe cocked her head to the side with a small smile.

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