Chapter XVII

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It was lunchtime and Beca was sitting outside with her friends after finishing their food in the cafeteria. It was a nice sunny day and the weather was beginning to warm up. Since the sun was out, Stacie was lying on her back enjoying the rays while everyone was talking about the girl's night they were going to have.

"I've never felt so outnumbered," Jesse spoke.

"You've got some guy friends, why don't you have a guys night?" CR suggested.

"Yeah, that's actually not a bad idea... But I'm not as close with them as I am with you girls... I never thought I'd have so many friends who were girls. I'm the only guy in this group."

"You say it like it's a bad thing." CR teased.

"You could always bring another guy into our little band of misfits," Fat Amy said. "What about one of the jocks? What about Bumper?"

"You'd like that wouldn't you, Amy?" Jesse smirked.

"What? Can't a girl help a fellow guy friend out by suggesting that he brings another attractive guy into the mix?"

Everyone laughed at the blonde.

"So, it's us girls and Hayley, right?" Beca checked with Stacie.


"How's she holding up since Saturday?"

"Yeah, she's good. She's really looking forward to tonight."

"It'll be good for her. I take it she hasn't told her parents yet?"

"No, just you and me."

"Okay," Beca adjusted herself so she was more comfortable resting against the tree then she spotted Chloe walking around on yard duty.

Beca immediately smiled at the redhead who was in jeans, brown boots, a green button-up shirt, and a black jacket.

"How's it going with the sexy redhead?" Stacie asked once she caught Beca staring.

"Stace!" Beca hissed, worried that her friends would hear them.

"Don't worry about them. Now answer me."

Beca huffed.

"It's going great,"


"But... She's trying to get me to open up to her about stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"

"Stuff that I don't want her to know about. You know me, Stace, I don't like sharing but she won't let up."

"Beca, you're in a relationship and sharing is what people do."

"Yeah, I know. Mom gave me a lecture about it the other night."

"Well, do you trust Chloe?"


"Then what's the problem?"

"I just can't, Stace. It's not who I am, but it's who she is... I'm just worried that we're not compatible because of it."

Stacie chuckled.

"Becs, if you two were the same then you wouldn't be compatible. Could you imagine if you both didn't talk about your feelings? Your relationship would have been over before it even started! It's good that she wants you to open up and stuff. Don't be afraid of it."

Beca just sat back against the tree as she watched Chloe walk around the yard. She knew that Chloe wanted Beca to open up to her and she was being as gentle as she could about it, but Beca kept pushing her away. The thing was, Beca didn't want to push Chloe away, she wanted to be close to the woman but it was a habit that Beca got herself into. She just wanted to isolate herself from everyone and make herself believe that it was the right thing to do - that being alone would keep her safe. But she eventually realised that she only felt completely safe when she was with Chloe.

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