Chapter XXXIX

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A week had passed since Beca got the letter from her father. Chloe had supported Beca ever since and talked to her until she got everything out of her system. Chloe had learned more about Beca's upsetting past and she cried about it a lot but she was glad that Beca told her. They grew even closer because of it and Beca felt a lot better divulging her past to her girlfriend.

"Ah!" Beca jolted awake, her body covered in sweat as she looked around her empty room. She had a nightmare for the first time in weeks and she didn't miss them at all.

Chloe was at her apartment tonight since it was a school night. The redhead stayed over Beca's house a few nights once Beca got the letter from her father. Beca didn't have any nightmares when she was with Chloe and she was worried that as soon as Chloe left that the student would get them. She didn't though, much to her surprise but tonight she did.

Beca looked at her clock on her bedside table and saw that it was a few minutes past two in the morning. She knew that this hour and the next few hours were for sleeping but she needed someone to talk to and her mother hadn't come into her bedroom this time, so she picked up her phone and called her girlfriend.

"Mm... Hello?" Chloe murmured.

"Hey, baby, sorry to wake you."

"Becs? It's... It's two in the morning."

"Yeah, I know."

"Is everything okay"

"I had a nightmare."

"Oh... I'm sorry, cutie. Was it bad?"

"Well, it wasn't good."

"What was it about?"

"Just the same thing really."

"I'm sorry. Did you want to talk about it?"

That was another thing that Beca loved about Chloe. No matter what time it was or where she was, Chloe was always willing to listen to Beca and talk to her. 


"Oh... Then what did you call me for?"

"I'm sorry to call you so late but... I think... I think I'm going to go see my dad."

"Oh," Chloe uttered.

"Yeah, I wanted to tell you first and know how you felt about it."

"It's... it's a big decision, Becs, and I'm glad you told me but... it's two in the morning. I don't want to have a big conversation at two in the morning."

"I know, and I'm sorry, but I needed to tell someone. You're always my go-to."

Chloe smiled on her end.

"I'm flattered, baby, and that's a really big decision. Why don't we talk more tomorrow about it when you're in your right mindset, okay? It's late and we've got school tomorrow."

"Okay, sorry for waking you, babe, I just wanted to tell someone."

"That's okay, cutie. Thank you for telling me. We'll talk more at school."

"Alright. I'll talk to you then. I love you."

"I love you, too, baby. Dream of me."

"Always." Beca smiled then ended the call before going back to sleep and dreaming of the beautiful redhead.


It was another Friday and for English, Chloe had given out a practice exam for her students. It wasn't big but it was just a little practice for their upcoming exam. Chloe gave everyone the majority of the lesson to work through it and it was one of the quietest lessons there was. Chloe didn't have to tell anyone to be quiet, she didn't even really have to check to see if everyone was doing their work. All of the students had their heads down as they wrote frantically on their paper.

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