Chapter IX

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Chloe had never made rigatoni before and she was successful in making it for the first time. The redhead was beyond nervous for her date with Beca. When she got home she cleaned her apartment from top to bottom and set the small dining table up nicely with a lit candle in the middle, placemats, and polished cutlery. The woman was too busy to have a shower and change so she was just stuck in the clothes she wore to work. She wanted to wear something nicer for her date but she knew that Beca liked her in jeans so that took the pressure off her a bit.

Before she knew it, it was six-thirty and Chloe heard a buzz, telling her that Beca was waiting to be let in. Chloe pressed the button and within minutes Beca knocked on her front door. Chloe quickly brushed her hand through her hair and opened her door. Beca was wearing black skinny jeans, brown boots, a top, which exposed her boobs like her other top did, and a green bomber jacket. Chloe's eyes immediately fell over the younger woman's figure, especially her breasts.

"Hi," Beca greeted.

"Hi!" Chloe smiled.

"These are for you." Beca handed over a bouquet of flowers to the redhead.

"Oh wow! Thank you so much! They're beautiful!"

"You're welcome."

"Come in!" Chloe stepped aside and allowed Beca to enter.

"It smells good in here." Beca stated.

"I've been cooking."

"I can tell." Beca sat down at the dining table while Chloe put her flowers in a vase with water.

While Chloe was doing that, Beca quickly looked around the older woman's apartment and loved every bit of it. This is where Chloe lives, she thought and smiled softly. Beca's gaze fell onto Chloe's behind, seeing how her jeans complimented her ass so well.

"So, you're still going to tease me?" Beca voiced.

"Huh?" Chloe turned around and saw Beca point to Chloe's jeans with her eyes. "Oh, that. Sorry, but I haven't had time to change. If you think this is teasing you wouldn't know what to do if I changed after having a shower." Chloe began putting their dinner onto plates.

"Why?" Beca smiled amused.

"When I get home I have a shower then change into my pyjamas."

"Do you not wear pyjamas?"

Chloe giggled. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"You have no idea..." Beca uttered, ogling Chloe's backside once more.

"No. I wear a button-up shirt and shorts, or just underwear."

Beca swallowed hard.

"If you want to go and have your shower and change into your pyjamas then go ahead. I can wait for dinner."

Chloe giggled again then placed their dinner on the table.

"Not yet." Chloe kissed Beca's cheek. "I want to take things slow." She then sat across from the brunette.

"Slow, huh?"


"Okay, I can do that." Beca began eating her dinner and it was delicious.

"How is it?" Chloe asked.

"Amazing. Ten out of ten."

Chloe beamed.


"So, how was your dinner with Tom?" Beca had wanted to ask the moment she found out.

"Firstly, we went just as friends and I let him know that we were just friends. Secondly, it went well. He's a nice, funny guy. I enjoy his company."

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