Chapter XIII

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English was the last lesson of the day and Beca couldn't stop smiling at her assignment, more so that there was a big kiss mark on the front, which made her blush. She couldn't help but wonder if she'd get a proper kiss or maybe more for doing such a good job on her assignment. Chloe had been giving the brunette some very suggestive looks throughout the class, which made it difficult for the student to concentrate. Chloe had something planned for after class and the thought made excitement spark inside her.

After what seemed like hours, English had finally concluded and Beca received a text about five minutes earlier from Chloe, telling her to stay behind. Beca took her time packing up and Stacie gave the shorter woman a wink before leaving. Beca rolled her eyes and made her way to the front of the class.

Chloe sat on the edge of her desk and opened her legs, allowing Beca to step between them. The redhead grabbed a fistful of Beca's shirt and pulled her into a kiss. Beca smiled and slid her hands up Chloe's jean-clad legs.

"Well done on your assignment, Miss Mitchell," Chloe uttered against Beca's lips.

"Thank you, Miss Beale. I worked very hard on it."

"I could tell. Very well done."

The couple continued to kiss passionately, both moaning every now and then and feeling that electricity between them.

"Are you still okay about last night?" Beca asked once they finished their little make-out session.

"Of course I am. When you're ready, Becs, we'll do it. I don't care if I have to wait two months or two years, I only care about you being comfortable."

"Thanks... I want my first time to be special."

"And it will be, I promise."

"You're so adamant that it's going to be with you." Beca teased.

"Well, it's not going to be with anyone else." Chloe pulled Beca in closer, grabbing at her shirt again. "You're mine."

Chills radiated through Beca's body but in a good way. Beca loved hearing her girlfriend get possessive over her. She was Chloe's in every way and hearing the redhead say it aloud made her feel on top of the world.

"All yours, baby."

Chloe smiled then kissed the brunette again.

"What have you eaten today?" Beca queried.

"I had a fruit salad for recess and a chicken sandwich for lunch."

"That's it?"

"I had coffee as well."

"How big was the fruit salad?"

"I bought it at the store."

"So one of those small ones?"

"I suppose."

Beca wanted to tut and sigh but the brunette had only found out about Chloe's eating disorder last night so it was still a sensitive topic. Beca wasn't angry at Chloe, she was angry at the disorder for controlling her girlfriend. What Chloe ate was nowhere near enough, it was a snack if anything else.

"Let me make you dinner tonight then. I can come over and we can cook together." Beca offered.

"Oh, umm... I can't tonight." Chloe uttered, feeling her heart rate begin to rise in angst.

"How come?"

"Tom... invited me out for a drink tonight."

"And you said yes?"



Chloe examined Beca's plain expression. She couldn't figure out what Beca was thinking - she literally showed no emotion.

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