Chapter XIX

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It had been a week since Beca and Chloe spoke. Beca hadn't even seen Hayley who desperately wanted to apologise to Beca for her mistake. To say that Beca was down wouldn't be accurate - she was depressed. She didn't realise just how much she needed Chloe in her life. The redhead would be her sunshine to her raincloud. Stacie was right - they were compatible, and Beca had only just realised it.

The most difficult part of Beca and Chloe's day was English. It was awkward and they both acted like they never had a relationship at all. Stacie felt sorry for her friend who desperately wanted to make up with her girlfriend but Chloe just wasn't having it. She was still hurt and was still anxious since she waiting for Principal Archer to call her into his office and tell her that she was no longer needed.

Beca had trouble focusing on her school work and even soccer. She wasn't on her A game like she usually was and it didn't go unnoticed by Coach McCarran and the other players. Of course, Beca couldn't exactly explain why she was down, so, in true Beca fashion, she had to lie to cover up the truth. Beca wanted to tell her mother but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She didn't want a lecture from the woman so she just waited for Chloe to come around.

Chloe was also miserable. She missed the tiny brunette more than words could explain. The past month that they had spent together was one of the best months of Chloe's life. Even though they had different personalities, Beca was able to make the redhead laugh, smile, and forget about her troubles. She missed cuddling up with the younger woman and kissing her. She missed the way Beca would make snarky jokes and tease Chloe. She missed Beca's touch, her smell, and the badass vibe that she'd give off whenever she was around.

The redhead had been asked multiple times by her colleagues if everything was okay and she herself had to lie. It was hard not to be able to talk about her issues with someone. Usually, Chloe would turn to Aubrey for advice but since Aubrey had the tendency to be more of a mother than a best friend who would tell Chloe to leave the girl and make her suffer, Chloe just left it. She hated that she was giving Beca the silent treatment but she needed time to think. She honestly didn't know what to do. Every time she thought back to what Beca told her she got angry and upset. She hadn't even met Hayley but she already hated her. Chloe knew that it was wrong but the woman felt hard for the ones she cared about, especially romantic partners.

Beca was sitting in her room busying herself with a song that she was composing for Chloe. The brunette didn't know how to express her feeling to the redhead better than with music. Beca had been slaving her guts out to make a good song for the woman. It was a different song than what Beca would usually make, but she knew Chloe liked upbeat and catchy songs so that's what the brunette made. She added a bit of sarcasm and humour to the song to make Chloe laugh. Hopefully, the redhead would enjoy the tune.

"Beca, sweetie," Katherine knocked on Beca's door.

"Yeah, mom?"

"I brought you a little treat. I can tell that you've been working hard again this week." Katherine placed a bowl of ice cream with chocolate topping next to her.

"Thanks, mom, but I'm not hungry."

Katherine sat down on Beca's bed and watched her daughter continue to work on her song.

"What's bothering you, darling?"

"Nothing, mom. I'm just busy that's all."



"No, just listen to me. I really want you to talk to me since you won't go to a psychologist."

"Why do I have to talk to anyone?" Beca turned to face her mother. "What good will that do? I talk to people and I'm honest with them and only makes things worse. I should just keep my mouth shut, live with the guilt, and be happy with what I have."

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