Chapter XXVII

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Several months had passed for Beca and Chloe and it was nearing Christmas time. Snow covered the ground and trees and the weather had dropped drastically over the past few months. Like Beca said, she had agreed to see a psychologist and Katherine almost fell off her chair when her daughter told her. The brunette was very guarded during her first few sessions but became more and more open as they progressed.

Since then, Beca had let go of a lot of anger and hatred towards her father and felt much calmer and at peace with herself. She was more open to not only Chloe but to others as well, she didn't mind being touched as much, and her sleeping had improved. She still got nightmares but not as frequently as she used to. Her studies had also improved, bumping herself up a grade or so, which made both Katherine and Chloe very proud. Beca was always eager to show her report card to Chloe, mainly due to the fact that the younger woman would be rewarded with a makeout session or a back rub.

Chloe was also reaping the benefits of Beca going to a psychologist. The redhead found that her girlfriend was more loving and affectionate towards her. She would be happier, optimistic, and not as reluctant to go to school. Sure, the brunette wished that she would just hurry up and graduate but she loved seeing Chloe in class every day. She would give her teacher subtle winks, which made the redhead flush. Sometimes Beca would stay behind and make out with her teacher but they always had to be careful. They almost got caught when the janitor came in early to clean, but luckily they pulled away before he saw anything.

It was two days before Christmas and thankfully school was only half a day, which went fast. Beca was packing up her things, prepared for the small holiday she'd get until school started back up next month. Once she got what she needed from her locker, she made her way outside and loaded everything into her truck and she was about to hop in the driver's seat until she got a text from Chloe.

Chloe: Come to my classroom. I have a surprise for you. xx

Beca grinned at the message and hastily made her way to Chloe's room where the redhead was sitting alone at her desk.

"My presence as requested, Miss Beale," Beca announced.

"Very good, Miss Mitchell. Prompt as always." Chloe reached into her desk drawer and pulled out a small gift clad in red and green wrapping paper. "Merry Christmas, cutie."

"Babe! I thought we weren't doing gifts?"

"Yeah, like I'm not going to get my girlfriend a gift for the best holiday of the year. Open it."

Beca pressed her lips into a thin line but couldn't stop the small smile that perked up in the corner of her mouth. Chloe was beaming at her, eager for the brunette to open her gift, which she eventually did.

"Oh my God..." Beca uttered when she pulled out a two-hundred dollar gift card to one of her favourite music stores.

"Do you like it?"

"Chlo, I... I can't take this!"

"Why not?"

"Because it's too much. I can't,"

"Babe, please take it. It wasn't any trouble at all. One of my friends works there and she owed me a favour ages ago so I called it in and got you that. It was no issue to get it for you at all. I wasn't sure what to get you so I thought you could get what you wanted at your favourite shop."

"Wow, Chlo... Just... Wow."

Chloe giggled at her girlfriend's face that was nothing but a big smile.

"Thank you, baby. I have been wanting to get some stuff from that place for a while now. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

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