Chapter XI

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To say that the day was tense would be an understatement. Beca and Chloe couldn't keep their eyes off each other during the whole English lesson. Chloe's eyes kept diverting down to Beca's cleavage while Beca's kept ogling Chloe's legs and breasts. Chloe unbuttoned her shirt a little just for Beca so the brunette was more than a little distracted. She barely got any work done but she knew Chloe wouldn't mind, after all, it was Chloe's plan to get Beca all riled up.

The redhead didn't have strict plans on sleeping with Beca tonight, but if it happened it happened. Yes, they both agreed to take things slow but they also had very strong feelings for the other and wanted to act on them. They had too many make out sessions and did too much teasing for them not to want to sleep together. But the real issue was whether or not Beca was ready to give herself to Chloe. The brunette thought about it all day, especially after what Stacie had told her in the bathrooms that morning, but she hadn't come to a solid conclusion. She had just decided to wait and see how things panned out and how she felt at the time. She knew that Chloe would respect her decision either way.

The school day had ended and Beca was at home getting ready for tonight's date. She had packed a change of clothes, her pyjamas, and other necessities she'd need. She was going to change into something different for her date but she and Chloe agreed to stay in what they were wearing since they loved each other's outfits so much.

Beca told her mother that she was staying over at Stacie's for the night and Katherine didn't think anything of it. She knew Stacie was Beca's best friend and that they spent a lot of time together outside of school.

Once Beca had everything packed, she drove to Chloe's apartment since she needed her pick-up to take the redhead out. Chloe had a car, too, but Beca wanted to take hers instead because she needed it for their date.

Beca arrived at Chloe's apartment at six o'clock and got let into the building. Chloe answered the door and pulled Beca in immediately for a searing kiss.

"Hello," the brunette smiled.

"Hi," Chloe pecked her girlfriend's lips again.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yes!" She answered excitedly.

"Alright, let's go."

Chloe grabbed her handbag and followed Beca out of her apartment and onto the street where she saw Beca's truck.

"That's your car?" Chloe smiled.

"Yeah - my pride and joy."

"Wow! I've seen that at school and I never knew who it belonged to. It's beautiful."

"Thank you. My grandpa gave it to me a while ago."

"That was nice of him."

"Yeah, it was." Beca unlocked her truck and opened the passenger door for Chloe who promptly sat inside. Beca hopped in next to her and drove out.

"So, where are we going?" Chloe probed.

"Oh, you know me, Miss Beale, I never kiss and tell," Beca smirked with a wink.

Chloe pursed her lips and let Beca drive them to their destination. They arrived at a small river surrounded by beautiful verdure with a peaceful ambiance. The full moon gave them a good source of natural light as well.

"Alright, come on." Beca smiled at Chloe who smiled back.

The two hopped out of the truck where the cool night air hit them.

"Wait for me by the river," Beca said.

"Okay." Chloe walked down to the river and admired the location.

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