Chapter XXXVI

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As promised, Beca and Chloe did not report Aubrey's affair with Jesse to anyone but that didn't mean that Chloe had forgiven Aubrey - not at all. It took Chloe a few days to calm down and she was still mad but Beca had her ways of making the redhead relax. A month had now passed and Chloe was still giving Aubrey the cold shoulder and Aubrey wasn't doing well, to say the least. She was miserable without her best friend and often found it difficult to focus on her work. Jesse tried to make her feel better and his efforts worked sometimes but it didn't mend Aubrey's and Chloe's relationship.

Chloe, on the other hand, was doing well. Now that she was free of Aubrey's controlling grasp she found that she was more confident in herself and walked with a sense of pride and power. Beca noticed instantly and was proud of her girlfriend. It made the brunette happy to see Chloe so content and confident - more than she already was. It was the early days of February and Beca was still working on her song for Chloe. She hadn't forgotten about it, she just had other priorities such as her school work and soccer practice. The young woman had scored several winning goals in her previous games, which gave her quite the reputation amongst her teammates and the teachers within her school, especially the Gym teachers.

Once Beca got on top of her school work and was given some downtime from her soccer practice since the demand to train had decreased due to the fact that her next match wasn't for a few months, she returned working on her song for Chloe. After working so hard at her studies and her soccer, Beca had a bit of writer's block, which wasn't uncommon. She'd often struggle to get lyrics out onto paper since she was still in her study state of mind but it wouldn't take her long to get back into the swing of things. Yes, Beca still made her mixes and played around with other songs, but she hadn't actually worked on something serious in quite some time.

The highlight of February, however, was the fact that Beca got her cast removed. Her wrist had made a full recovery and the student was more than happy that she got to use her hand properly again. It was strange not to have the cast and Beca felt bad for throwing it away since it had Jack's handprint on it but after days of insisting that she throw the smelly thing away, Katherine managed to bin the cast without drama.

On Thursday evening, Beca was sitting at her desk working hard on her song for Chloe. It was the redhead's birthday in under a month and Beca was going to present her song to the older woman on her special day. The brunette was writing down some lyrics and gently sung them to herself to get the tune right.

I'm addicted to you, hooked on your love
Like a powerful drug I can't get enough of
Lost in your eyes, drowning in blue
Out of control, what can I do?
I'm addicted to you!

"That sounds alright to me," Beca uttered and played around with her soundboard to match the music to the lyrics.

"Beca, sweetie?" Katherine gently tapped on the student's door.

"Yeah, mom?"

"There's a letter here for you."

"A letter?"


"But my birthday isn't until August."

Beca rarely ever got letters. The only letters she got were from her grandparents who'd send her a card for her birthday, so the fact that Beca had received mail in February was odd.

"No, it's not from your grandparents, honey," Katherine made her way over to Beca who eventually turned around to look at her mother.

"Who is it from then?"

Katherine sighed, fiddling with the envelope in her hands.

"It's from your father."

Beca's face fell as the blood drained from it.

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