Chapter XLVI

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Several months had now passed and Beca's life was getting better and better each day. The brunette held onto her group of friends from the start and they were stronger than ever. Jesse was back with Aubrey and they were happy. Being back with the blonde helped Jesse cope with the loss of his father much faster than he would of if he was on his own. Chloe and Aubrey put their troubles behind them and started spending time with each other again, which made both of them happier. They had missed one another greatly and it wasn't until they hung out again that they realised it.

Beca had made excellent progress with her grades. She never got below an A in English and never got anything below a B in her other classes. She was proud as was her mother and her girlfriend. Beca had also scored several more winning goals for her soccer team, which led them to the championship that they won with flying colours. Beca had made the effort to go and visit her father on weekends. It was awkward and uncomfortable at first but after a while, things got easier and Beca rather enjoyed talking to the man who was more than happy that he got to see his daughter. They talked about their lives, their past, and their plans for their future. Beca supported Seth as did Katherine. The man couldn't wait to get out so he could start living his life the right way just as he had promised.

Chloe couldn't have been prouder of her girlfriend. Every day she watched her grow and helped guide her in the right direction, with Katherine of course. The two women were the most important people in Beca's life and she wouldn't have had it any other way. She loved them both dearly and couldn't imagine life without them. Chloe and Beca kept up their routine of seeing each other on weekends and spending quality time together, excited that they were getting closer and closer about being open about their relationship. They were set on having a long-distance relationship and focused on all the positives about it instead of anything else. They were determined to stick together through thick and thin and they knew that everything would work out one day - they just had to be patient.

With graduation just around the corner, Beca was preparing herself for the prom. She wasn't exactly keen on going but there was no way she was getting out of it. She and Stacie went dress shopping every time they went out and the taller woman always got Beca to try on something in every store they went to. Beca had eventually settled on an outfit which both Stacie and Katherine loved. Chloe was yet to see it but Beca wanted to surprise her girlfriend on the night. The redhead had also bought herself a dress for the prom since she was taking Tom as her date. Of course, she would prefer to be Beca's date more than anything but they couldn't go together for obvious reasons. 

Beca had now gotten to the point where Tom didn't phase her at all. The man hadn't made any advances towards Chloe and he was a good friend to her. Beca and Tom talked sometimes in Gym about her and Chloe and the teacher was very understanding and supportive. He even gave Beca his word that he wouldn't do anything to Chloe and that they would have a strictly platonic relationship. Beca admired him for his promises, even more so when he kept them. They quickly became good friends themselves, as good as student and teacher friendships can go anyway. Beca knew that once she left school that it'd be different but not by much. She would be able to call him Tom instead of Mr Cameron, but that would be about it. It also made Chloe relax when she saw that Beca and Tom were getting on. She knew how protective Beca was so it was a big relief when she started not to care about her being close with the man.

It was the night of the prom, and Beca was putting her outfit on before her friends rocked up where they would be taken to school via limousine. Katherine and the other parent's of Beca's friends had agreed to chip in and hire a limousine for their kids to make it extra special for them instead of them being taken by their parents.

"Argh, this damn zip!" Beca grumbled as her side zip got stuck on a piece of fabric. "I swear, they make these things to break not last."

The brunette got her zip to work and pulled it all the way to the top.

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